Jesus is with You—A Walking Cane Named Esther

Tears filled my eyes when the doctor said he wanted me to use a cane 24/7—the time had come. After several falls, he said no more chances could be taken. He saw the tears. “Put some pearls on it - bling it up – it is better than breaking a bone,” he said, trying to cheer me up. I managed to smile through the tears.

Jesus is with You—Keep Praying

So often, I feel like my prayers go as far as the ceiling. In the last few weeks, I have lifted friends up for healing, help, and guidance; the results were not always what we had hoped. I have found myself standing at gravesites, celebrating a life well lived, but also seeing the pain in my friends faces as they said goodbye to their loved one. I asked the Lord for comfort and peace.


Your Holy Ground

Perhaps you’ve sung the song Holy Ground at some point. If so, did you feel like you were on holy ground? Sometimes I feel it more when I’m singing to the Lord, looking at the expansive ocean waters or a mountain range, or spending time with Jesus on my deck.

Breathing Worship

One reason I love our church is singing our praises together each Sunday. Whether we are on key or not, we have the privilege to vocalize our love for Jesus. Some enjoy quiet hymns others fast-moving praise songs. If we are truly showing the Lord how much we love Him, it’s worship!

The Spiritual Journey

I enjoy travel! I like the variety of places. And I have found it helps to be prepared. If I go to the mountains, I bring long pants and sweaters, preparing for colder temperatures. If I go to the ocean, I bring swimsuits, sundresses and shorts, preparing for hotter temperatures. I research a new place to learn what to bring and what to do while I am there.

The Greater Wealth

Think of your favorite scene that brings you contentment. It brings peace, no more want. It is the thought that if I could just live here… life would be good! Is it a home with a beautiful view of a landscape of lush rolling green fields? Or a beachside view? Or maybe a home with a view of a mountain range?