All in Spiritual Growth

Before the King

I’ve been surprised by familiar biblical passages that come from the obscure minor prophet Habakkuk. One of these passages inspired a benediction we often sang at my childhood church. I hear the melody as I read the words. “The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him” (Hab. 2:20). Imagine my surprise to find these words following five woes spoken by the LORD in His response to Habakkuk! 

Living by Faith

Scholars wonder about the prophet Habakkuk’s name. It’s only used in this Old Testament book, and it’s written in a non-standard Hebraic form. They believe it’s likely related to an extinct eastern language referring to the Habbaququ fruit tree. Imagine his challenge of having such a one-of-a-kind name among his teasing peers. My children can imagine. They carry a Polish last name (containing even more letters) that’s unique to this area of the country. I told them often that their name made them distinctive

The Spiritual Journey

I enjoy travel! I like the variety of places. And I have found it helps to be prepared. If I go to the mountains, I bring long pants and sweaters, preparing for colder temperatures. If I go to the ocean, I bring swimsuits, sundresses and shorts, preparing for hotter temperatures. I research a new place to learn what to bring and what to do while I am there.

The Greater Wealth

Think of your favorite scene that brings you contentment. It brings peace, no more want. It is the thought that if I could just live here… life would be good! Is it a home with a beautiful view of a landscape of lush rolling green fields? Or a beachside view? Or maybe a home with a view of a mountain range?

Listening to the Greatest Voice

My friend has an interesting testimony of how she became a believer in Jesus. No one in her family was a Christian. A man began coming to their home once a week and reading his Bible to the family. He did nothing more than read, but the power of God’s Word transformed every person in that family. One by one they came to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Chaos Control

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me –

put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:9 NIV



When doing a sewing project, my sewing utensils get everywhere. Multiple pairs of scissors never seem to be handy when I need them. Thread pullers, pins, clips, spools of thread, and bobbins end up all over the room. I wasted time looking for things instead of sewing. It made me so irritated.


I decided to get things together. I went to a local craft store, and there it was – a fabulous organizational system for people like me. Now, everything hangs right on the wall at my fingertips. I can just reach up and grab whatever I need. I look, I see them. I use them. Easy as that.


How silly would it have been for me to have bought the organizational system and not hung it up and used it?


Sometimes life gets chaotic. Irritation with myself and even God happens. Frustrated, I ask him why he will not just fix whatever bothers me.


Then, he lovingly reminds me that he has already provided me with the “system” I need for any situation. My Bible sits right beside my bed as does my Bible study book. He has given me scriptures to memorize. Bible studies help me dive deeper into his Word and to fellowship with other believers. All these things at my fingertips, but I must grab on to them and put them into practice to receive any benefits.


When I look at that organizational system hanging on my sewing room wall, I get such a joyful feeling. Sewing is so much easier. No more mess everywhere. Likewise, looking to him and utilizing the tools he has provided bring me even more joy and peace.


Father, you lovingly lead us to what we need to manage the chaos in our lives. May we remember your words and put them into practice.



Susan Partida



(Spiritual Growth, Wisdom, Provision)


 Then, he lovingly reminds me that he has already provided me with the “system” I need for any situation. My Bible sits right beside my bed as does my Bible study book. He has given me scriptures to memorize. Bible studies help me dive deeper into his Word and to fellowship with other believers. All these things at my fingertips, but I must grab on to them and put them into practice to receive any benefits.



The Power of Joy

The prophet Habakkuk recorded a third prayer to God. This prayer was in the form of a song written for the choir director to be song with stringed instruments. Habakkuk responded to what God foretold of the judgment of Israel by the invading Babylonians. Even though God declared that He would defend His people with His mighty arm, Habakkuk "trembled within" as he waited quietly for the Lord’s deliverance.

Limping with God

Have you ever wrestled with God? Did you intellectually wrestle with God until you finally surrendered, believing Jesus is indeed who He claims to be? Have you wrestled with God in earnest prayer, refusing to let go of that which you believe to be God’s will?

Renewed Strength

I strained to see them and marveled at their graceful movements among the rocky cliffs of Israel—the Ibex mountain goat. They actually looked like petite antelopes. Visitors to Israel often get to glimpse them springing from rock to rock as they navigate the mountain heights, graceful and confident. One glimpse immediately brings a familiar verse to mind, one you might have seen on wall hangings, plaques or even have in your own home!