Holidays can be sad days for many, especially those who are lonely. Holidays can also be depressing for many reasons. We busy ourselves with so many activities that we become tired, confused, and feel as though we are walking through a maze.
All in Encouragement
Holidays can be sad days for many, especially those who are lonely. Holidays can also be depressing for many reasons. We busy ourselves with so many activities that we become tired, confused, and feel as though we are walking through a maze.
Scholars wonder about the prophet Habakkuk’s name. It’s only used in this Old Testament book, and it’s written in a non-standard Hebraic form. They believe it’s likely related to an extinct eastern language referring to the Habbaququ fruit tree. Imagine his challenge of having such a one-of-a-kind name among his teasing peers. My children can imagine. They carry a Polish last name (containing even more letters) that’s unique to this area of the country. I told them often that their name made them distinctive.
From the beginning, God has known me. He knew the parents I would be born to and the country, state, and town where I would be born. He knows everything about me!
I listen to Christian music throughout the day, so it’s no surprise that’s how I hear God speak many times.
I got an unexpected email this weekend from the first babysitter who ever kept my boys.
The prophet Habakkuk recorded a third prayer to God. This prayer was in the form of a song written for the choir director to be song with stringed instruments. Habakkuk responded to what God foretold of the judgment of Israel by the invading Babylonians. Even though God declared that He would defend His people with His mighty arm, Habakkuk "trembled within" as he waited quietly for the Lord’s deliverance.
I am so intrigued with questions that God asks. We know that He knows all….so why ask? I’m persuaded that He is wanting us to face truth! He asks Adam and Eve, Where are you (Genesis 3:9)? He asks Cain, What have you done (Genesis 4:10)? Jesus asks the disciples in a storm-tossed boat, Why are you so afraid (Matthew 8:26)? Perhaps He is asking us the same questions!
Mary and Martha is a favorite story of many, especially with those of us who have neither the energy nor the organizational ability to operate at Martha-level. And Jesus’ gentle rebuke seems to be encouragement to simplify our life and center it on Him.
It was obvious from far back in line that my five-year-old pig-tailed girl had not had a good day. As I waited for the teacher to put her in my car, I could see that she was deflated, alone and sad. By the time we pulled out of the school parking lot, she was sobbing. “I had to sit on the rock, Mama,” she cried.
As a child, I felt special every time I took a bath at my Granny’s house.
At that time, Granny only had one bathroom. The tub, sink and toilet were probably 30 years old. The water pressure wasn’t that great, but I didn’t care about any of those things.
It is almost a universal tradition. It seems that we all feel compelled to make a wish before blowing out the candles on our birthday cake. This birthday wishing is a lot like some of my hoping--like hoping for a sunny day for a picnic or a soccer game win for my grandchild
Here it comes. It feels like a dark cloud trying to envelope me. I get busier willing myself to outrun it, ignore it, not give in to it. But, before I know it – anxiety, panic, temper tantrums, and sheer exhaustion set in. I begin to flounder.
I strained to see them and marveled at their graceful movements among the rocky cliffs of Israel—the Ibex mountain goat. They actually looked like petite antelopes. Visitors to Israel often get to glimpse them springing from rock to rock as they navigate the mountain heights, graceful and confident. One glimpse immediately brings a familiar verse to mind, one you might have seen on wall hangings, plaques or even have in your own home!
Just like that –– our lives changed.
The fears and frustrations we feel are real.
We cope.
Our patience is tested.
We experience loss.
We regroup.
The Word of God, our unchanging foundation, remains the same and is true.
Why do our furniture purchases occur when we’re on vacation?
My husband had a valid point. It did seem we’d done our share of hauling tables in our SUV. Our current kitchen table had caught our eye while on our first Christmas vacation. We loaded it in the back of our car, drove for two days, and waited for my parents to bring the chairs a few months later.
For the past two fall seasons, I’ve experienced severely dry eyes. Raw, irritated and red. Most of the time I just want to close them.
Red, round, juicy home-grown tomatoes are my obsession every summer! They are far superior to their tasteless counterparts that are picked green and ripened by gassing, occupying the shelves in most grocery stores.
The night of Jesus’ betrayal had arrived. The moments with His disciples before His crucifixion were limited. Therefore, Jesus was purposeful in His actions.
My challenge was getting up off the floor without so much struggle and weird noises. I wanted to do it with ease, without grabbing hold of everything in sight to hoist myself up.
The crowds followed Jesus—some out of curiosity, others anticipating physical healing. Did their anticipation lead them to understand the spiritual benefits they would also receive?