God Fights For Us

God Fights For Us

Don't be afraid of them. Remember the great and awe-inspiring Lord, and fight for your countrymen, your sons and daughters, your wives and homes.

Nehemiah 4:14 CSB


Has God ever given you an assignment that you were so excited about you shared it with others so they could be excited too? Maybe they would join in on the work of the assignment? Did it go so smoothly and problem-free? Or did you hit some snags?

It happened to Nehemiah, too. After the Babylonian captivity, the temple was rebuilt with opposition, and now, the wall around Jerusalem was also being repaired with opposition. God's work will often be opposed. The enemy is always watching for ways to stop Kingdom work.

The Israelites were mocked...Indeed, even if a fox climbed up what they are building, he would break down their stone wall! (Nehemiah 4:3) 

Have you been mocked like that? You can't finish that. It won't last.

I love how the laborers carried the loads with one hand and held a sword with the other (Nehemiah 4:17). What a picture for our work today...working hard with our sword of the Spirit in our hand. We can proclaim as the Israelites did, Our God will fight for us! (Nehemiah 4:20)

Rather than run from the problem, Nehemiah prayed as he sought a solution. We can do the same thing.

If you look ahead to Nehemiah 6:15, you will see that the wall was completed in a record 52 days! Only God could do that. I wrote in my Bible (and am not sure who I'm quoting here) that when God's people accomplish God's work in God's strength, God gets the glory. Isn't that how it SHOULD be?

Here are eight steps you can take as Nehemiah did: grieve, confess, trust, be bold, be strategic, be wise, submit to God, and be humble.

What has God called you to do today? Are you facing distractions, criticism, or fear? What plan do you have in place to counteract opposition?


Chris Adams


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