What do you want?

What do you want?

Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?”They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”

John 1:38

I am so intrigued with questions that God asks. We know that He knows all….so why ask? I’m persuaded that He is wanting us to face truth! He asks Adam and Eve, Where are you (Genesis 3:9)? He asks Cain, What have you done (Genesis 4:10)? Jesus asks the disciples in a storm-tossed boat, Why are you so afraid (Matthew 8:26)? Perhaps He is asking us the same questions!

My favorite question is found in John 1:38. Two soon-to-be-disciples heard John the Baptist announce, “Look, the Lamb of God!” They turned around, saw Jesus, and followed him. When Jesus saw them following, He asked, “What do you want?”

What would your answer be if Jesus asked you, “What do you want?” Would it be fame, more secure finances, improved health? At different times in my life, I have answered in various ways. In my college years, I wanted a godly husband. In my early marriage, a pleaded for children. There was a desert-time many years ago that I sensed God asking me this question, and I answered that I wanted Him to do something that was so specific to me that I’d have no doubt that it was an answer to my cry. He has been so faithful to give me my heart’s desires.

As I read this question from Jesus today, I answer just as the disciples did… “Teacher, where are you staying?” These men wanted to be with Jesus…basking in His presence, learning from His words, spending time with the Master. I want that kind of intimacy with Him….to sit at His feet, to go where He goes, to stay where He stays. And how did Jesus answer them? Come and you will see.

Lord, I want to be where you are, go where you go.  I want to be at rest by your side.  This is my heart’s desire.

Jill Hardin

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