All in God's Word

God’s Treasure Book

As I came into the room, I noticed my granddaughter sitting at the kitchen table. It was early in the morning, and I knew Elysen was going through her daily routine of getting ready for school. Her breakfast and her open Bible and journal were on the table before her. At age thirteen, reading the Bible and journaling has become her practice and her joy.  

Your Holy Ground

Perhaps you’ve sung the song Holy Ground at some point. If so, did you feel like you were on holy ground? Sometimes I feel it more when I’m singing to the Lord, looking at the expansive ocean waters or a mountain range, or spending time with Jesus on my deck.

Old Lies

As we stood at the sink washing Thanksgiving dishes, the family secret was revealed. My mom casually mentioned how sad she was when they “put Dudley down.” My hands stopped scrubbing as I turned to her in unbelief. More than 30 years ago, I had believed my parents’ story about our dear German Shepherd they would take to live “on a farm with lots of kids and dogs.”


Sleep is the most precious commodity to a new mother. She will do just about anything to ensure her baby rests for as long as possible. Note on the door? Check. White noise machine? Purchased. Whisper and tiptoe. Obviously. 

Listening to the Greatest Voice

My friend has an interesting testimony of how she became a believer in Jesus. No one in her family was a Christian. A man began coming to their home once a week and reading his Bible to the family. He did nothing more than read, but the power of God’s Word transformed every person in that family. One by one they came to believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Words of Encouragement

My friend came to me asking for help. Her son’s illness and resulting difficulty had continued for years. She prayed repeatedly for his healing, but his condition remained the same. She was looking for answers to her questions and words of encouragement. 

A Vital Message

God calls people in every generation to proclaim His truth. Noah preached righteousness. Moses proclaimed God’s laws. Paul carried the gospel to the Gentiles. Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, and Billy Graham have boldly proclaimed the truth of Jesus to recent generations. 

Growing Through Oppression

Isn’t it wonderful when life is chugging along without a crisis? These seasons are pleasant, but what happens for a believer when life falls apart, or someone tears us down, or seeks to harm us? Have you ever seen God do the most amazing things in the middle of a crisis? Did your faith grow?

Having Confidence

Can you hear the confidence in Micah’s voice? I hope…I wait…my God will hear me! I sometimes long to have more confidence in the Lord. It is easy to get caught up in the pity party of life and forget that we serve a God who never lets His people down. His truth reminds us, “that all things work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

You are a Model

When I was approaching my teen years, I was able to attend modeling school at a local

department store. I was guided on how to sit properly, walk gracefully, and properly care

for my face and hair. The most exciting part of the training was that on the final day, we

would model down the runway in an outfit of our choice from the upcoming clothesline

of the season. I would proudly parade my beautiful dress while displaying all the

knowledge I had gained at modeling school.

Contagious Laughter

The other day I took my daughter to dance class and watched her through the glass window. She was leading a conversation with her classmates just before class started. As I watched her facial expressions, I could tell she was getting to a good part of the story when she began to smile and laugh. The reaction from the girls around her was priceless, as they all started belting out in laughter over this most interesting story.

Speaking the Truth

Why is it hard to tell others the truth? We might be mocked and minimized. Maybe we don’t want to hurt others’ feelings. Maybe they will reject us. Maybe they will be angry. Maybe relationships will change.