All in Sanctification

Growing Through Oppression

Isn’t it wonderful when life is chugging along without a crisis? These seasons are pleasant, but what happens for a believer when life falls apart, or someone tears us down, or seeks to harm us? Have you ever seen God do the most amazing things in the middle of a crisis? Did your faith grow?

Take it to Heart

But God is faithful. He promised to send a final prophet to awaken the hearts of His people. According to Constable: “Whether the original Elijah will appear before the day of the LORD, or if an Elijah-like figure, similar to John the Baptist, will appear, remains to be seen.”* We rest assured that God has it under control.

Aging With Gratitude: A Teachable Heart

Gratitude saved me—from hopelessness, self-pity, and victimization.

Some of my grandchildren enjoy creating objects with soft, moldable clay that doesn’t harden—pliable enough to reshape but hard enough to hold its form. Our brains are like clay, which can affect our hearts—the core of our being, where Jesus Christ lives.

Minding Our Tenses Well: Day 3

The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change and we must move ever forward or the soul will wither and die. S. Kearsley

The Past Tense

Unless I am some sort of an actuarial miracle, I have more days in my past than in my future. If you have lived past your mid-50’s, that is also true for you.

Feeling the Heat

My father ranched when the TV weather report and a swirling wind gauge helped him plan his work days. The metal arrow on our wind gauge always pointed in the direction of the source of the wind. That was the only arrow in my life before discovering King Solomon’s analogy comparing children to arrows in the hand of a warrior (Psa. 127:4 NIV). I’d never considered my own life analogous to an arrow until recently. Oswald Chambers used the analogy to describe something most believers have experienced but, possibly, failed to understand:

The Great Shepherd

Micah carries on the shepherd theme. By implication Israel will no longer be abandoned (5:3). In the meantime, the Good Shepherd not only lay down His life for us, for the sheep (John 10:11). The God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, (wishes to) equip you with everything good for doing his will, and…work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 13:20).


Have you ever watched a video that was filmed with time-lapse photography? My favorites to watch are those of blossoming flowers. A process that takes hours in real-time is shown in mere seconds. Subtle movements, not seen by the naked eye, are clearly displayed.


Have you ever watched a video that was filmed with time-lapse photography? My favorites to watch are those of blossoming flowers. A process that takes hours in real-time is shown in mere seconds. Subtle movements, not seen by the naked eye, are clearly displayed.