Thanksgiving is More than a Holiday: God’s Love Rescues Us

Thanksgiving is More than a Holiday: God’s Love Rescues Us

. . . [God] rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever;

Psalm 136:24 ESV


My life story is being rewritten by the one true God, who is, always has been, and always will be—Creator of the universe.

When we allow God to intervene, our lives are rescued and made new. He first saved me from a traumatic, oppressive childhood when I left home for college. Before I knew Him personally, I believed He was harsh and distant—nothing more. Second, during my college experience, He saved me from eternal separation from Him. I’ve been on a new journey ever since, with twists and turns and ups and downs.

Looking back, I can see God’s protection in different circumstances, even when I was estranged. He created each of us and loved us. He has shown His love and incredible plan through His perfect Son, Jesus.

Psalms 136-139 provide a template for comparing God’s redemption of Israel with our redemptive stories. Just like the Israelites, we cannot change our past but can remember all God does on our behalf. We now live out a new story that forms a personal testimony to others that includes God’s work in our lives.

God’s steadfast love means that He is committed to us forever and actively present in everything we experience. How have you known God’s presence?

Thank you, Lord, for Your infinite love that I can count on. I am forever grateful that You rescued me from danger and have made me Your daughterfilled with hope and the owner of an imperishable inheritance (1 Peter 1:3-5 ESV). You continue to teach me how to keep growing in Your love. May I allow Your love to flow freely through me to others and encourage them to embrace their new story.


Karen Sims    



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