All in Holy Spirit

The Perfect Outfit

I enjoy going shopping with my oldest daughter. She has a fun sense of style, and she encourages me to bring color into my wardrobe which gives me a “new look.” Without her encouragement, and sometimes honesty, my closet would be a color range of grays and blacks.

When the Wind Blows

We spent the day in lawn chairs watching my brother, his grandsons, and a “windmill expert” assemble a 100-year-old windmill in our pasture. By the evening, the seemingly random pile of metal transformed into a functioning mechanism for pumping water from a hundred feet below the ground’s surface.

Long Patience

Mother taught me how to sew at a young age. At first, she personally handled the do-overs because removing stitches required too much patience for a child. Eventually, though, she announced, “Anyone who sews must also be willing to rip!”

Upside-down Beauty

Hmmm. . . What should I wear today? So many choices. Those in prison don’t have clothing or pampering choices. The Israelites, held captive when exiled to Babylon, endured physical bondage as well as oppression by others’ sin and Satan’s tactics. The standard attire was sackcloth and ashes—symbolizing mourning or agony.

Called to Love

This is not the first time Jesus filled the nets of the fishermen. On the first occasion Simon Peter was so astounded he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me Lord; I am a sinful man!” (Luke 5:8). It had dawned on him who Jesus really was. Then he, Andrew, James, and John promptly left their nets to fish for men.

Truth in Darkness

A comment from Oswald Chambers created a fresh perspective for me on the darkness of night:

“We are only what we are in the dark, all the rest is reputation. What God looks at is what we are in the dark—the imaginations of our mind; the thoughts of our hearts; the habits of our bodies; these are the things that mark us in God’s sight.” *

The Great Shepherd

Micah carries on the shepherd theme. By implication Israel will no longer be abandoned (5:3). In the meantime, the Good Shepherd not only lay down His life for us, for the sheep (John 10:11). The God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, (wishes to) equip you with everything good for doing his will, and…work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 13:20).


Do you have any enemies?

No one wants to think there are enemies… but they are real, and YOU do have them.

The Bible is clear… God’s children have spiritual enemies and those enemies hate God!