All in God's Promises

Seeking God

The last time I recall seeking help with everything-within-me was in a dream -- actually a nightmare. A vicious snake coiled up at my feet and held me frozen with his gaze. I called for help, but no one heard me. With all my physical strength, I filled my lungs with air, then screamed H-E-L-P! with everything within me. I awoke to a pounding heart and a sweaty night shirt. I still vividly recall the emotion of that dream—that moment of desperation.

Minding our Tenses Well: Day 5

In theory, the future begins with the next mili-second and stretches out to the limits of our imagination, and every moment in between. That is a good definition if you are a clock or a calendar; however the God who set His created order within the flow of past, present and future, intended time to be the backdrop not the centerpiece.


God’s heart is for His people. We saw that yesterday when He told us the kind of fast in which He approves. One that involves setting people free from heavy burdens, and sharing with the hungry and homeless. Today, let’s look at His beautiful promises when we love others in these ways.

One Foot in the Promised Land

The book of Judges has been a hot topic in Bible study this year. Why Judges? Some of the stories are downright gruesome. Take Jael in Deborah’s time—the woman who tent-pegged Sisera while he slept (Judges 4:21). And there’s always Samson and Delilah (Judges 13-16); everybody knows those names. Well ladies, it sure seems the lessons in God’s history book are applicable today. Focus in with me on the key verse of Judges: People did whatever they felt like doing (Judges 17:6; 21:25, MSG). Hmm!

Chapstick or Riches

When my daughter was four, she asked my husband, “Daddy, what is an inheritance?” He explained that everything that was Mommy’s and Daddy’s would be hers one day. She sat quietly for a minute and then responded, “Does that mean that one day I will get your chapstick?” Her daddy’s chapstick was the thing she cherished most. Now that she is older and wiser, I wonder if she would be satisfied with only his chapstick?

How Then Can We Live…persevere in the will of God

The writer of Hebrews offers a not-so-gentle prod to these Judean Christians—you who believe and are saved are not to shrink back (10:39). Rather, remember those earlier days after you had received the light (10:32). Then, they had full assurance of faith (10:22), knowing they were able to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way (10:19-20) rather than by the Law. Then, they had hope (10:23) of their eternal reward. Then, they stood (their) ground in a great contest in the face of suffering (10:32). Now, their confidence is fading.

Looking Backward to Move Forward

It was a stormy night. I was driving slowly in a blinding rainstorm with a car following closely behind. I was having difficulty seeing the road ahead, but I noticed when I glanced in my rear view mirror that the lights of the car behind me illuminated the road markings. By frequently glancing, I was able to navigate somewhat better in my lane.

When God Runs

Have you ever had to run to keep up with God? Recently, I was part of a group that was given an assignment of great magnitude. Each of us felt the weight of this responsibility, and we fervently sought God, asking Him to make His will known. Following God one step at a time became our group’s heartfelt desire. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).