All in Holiness

No More Dragging Your Feet

And so, with our eyes fixed on Jesus we have entered that race marked out for us (12:1-2). Make every effort is not lost on me. To race is to do just that—to expend all the energy you have till you reach the finish line. The Greek underscores your effort with godly fear—with the reverence of a minister or deacon (Strongs).

Who—Me, LORD?

In Malachi’s day reverence for the Lord had hit rock bottom once again. God knew there was only one way to make His message plain and clear. He had to shift the focus of His people off themselves and the world, back on Him.

Out of the Ditch

It seems fear of the Lord has me in its grip for 2024. Let’s spend the week seeing what the book of Malachi has to say about a fearful attitude. How in the world do we live in the fear of the Lord?


Do you find yourself having self-control in some areas of your life, but others not so much? I know I do. Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller coaster. I go up and up feeling like I have made so much progress and then, bam, down I go at a much faster pace than I went up.


Green Jelly Beans

It all began in the garden, didn’t it? It certainly would have been God’s desire that we be holy as He is. After all He created man in his own image (Genesis 1:27), and holiness is the essence of His being. Makes me wonder how different things could have been.

Yada Yada Knowledge

In my search for the fear of the LORD this year I am certainly in need of both wisdom and understanding. See how key knowledge of the Holy One is. I need to know God, not just know about God. The Hebrew for knowledge, yada, is experiential knowledge, not merely head knowledge.


Names in biblical times were important. “I AM WHO I AM” proclaims the “eternity and self-existence of God”*. Plain and simple, that is who He is. The name by which He is to be known forever is ‘The LORD’, translated Yahweh. The Israelites considered Yahweh too holy to speak or write out in full.**  At least they started out with reverence and awe.


Holy. Holy. Holy.

The Old Testament patriarchs and prophets were no strangers to godly fear. Take Isaiah’s cry for example: “Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty” (Isaiah 6:5).  

Other Holiness

One of my seminary professors once described holiness simply as  “other,” meaning that if you took the sum total of all your past experiences and drew a circle around them… Holiness would be in an entirely separate circle.

Right-Sizing God

From his position on the ramparts (2:1) Habakkuk receives the revelation from the LORD. Yes, Judah will pay for her sins at the hand of Babylon. In turn, woe upon woe will be piled upon Babylon (2:6-19). “The LORD is in his holy temple” (2:20) indeed!

Other Holiness

One of my seminary professors once described holiness simply as  “other:” meaning that if you took the sum total of all your past experiences and drew a circle around them… Holiness would be in an entirely separate circle.