All in Worship

Magnum Opus

“Magnum opus”, meaning masterpiece or great work (Merriam Webster), is not a term that comes to my mind frequently. But when Erica Wiggenhorn called the transfiguration of Jesus a “magnum opus” moment in her study of Luke (Unexlainable Jesus, p.108) it caught my eye.

Breathing Worship

One reason I love our church is singing our praises together each Sunday. Whether we are on key or not, we have the privilege to vocalize our love for Jesus. Some enjoy quiet hymns others fast-moving praise songs. If we are truly showing the Lord how much we love Him, it’s worship!

The Sun of Righteousness

For a year and a half my husband and I lived in a remote mining town in northern British Columbia. We loved the changes in the seasons; but when the winter months came to that place, the lack of direct sunlight took us by surprise. The sun never rose above the surrounding mountains. Cabin fever is a well-known syndrome in the far north, high doses of vitamin D the answer.


God as my Refuge

We once lived in “tornado alley,” the East/West path tornados travel through our state. The first tornado that barreled through our little town left a lasting impression on me. While warning sirens blared, I rushed all four children into the bathtub then squeezed in among them.

Climb the Hill and Get the Wood!

And so, as King Cyrus decreed: everyone whose heart God had moved—prepared to go up and build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem (Ezra 1:5). Under the leadership of Zerubbabel, the building began with the altar so the morning and evening sacrifices could be offered and the sacred feasts celebrated. Next the foundation of the temple was completed with much fanfare. But then the enemy intervened, frustrating the work and eventually bringing it to a standstill (Ezra 3-4) for fifteen plus years.

 Words Both Good and True: Day 1

In one way, all of Scripture is both good and true as well as “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)

And, as most of us will testify, these benefits of Scripture have saved, guided and protected us on more than one occasion.

But there are special passages called benedictions that are some of the most powerful and beautiful passages in Scripture.

What is Good?

The Lord’s case against His people comes to a head in Micah 6. In His own words, He has not “burdened” them (6:3). Rather He has “redeemed” them from slavery and sent able leaders in Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (6:4). And so Micah proceeds to clarify that worship of the exalted God is really not a matter of burnt offerings or sacrifice of a firstborn (6:6-7) as was the pagan custom.

Magical God

A five-year old’s aunt visited for the week end and attended church with the family. When the pastor came up to the podium to give his sermon, the little boy leaned over to his aunt and exclaimed, “Pastor Duane always reminds me that God is magical.”

Return to Gilgal

Joshua and the Israelites were marching into the Promised Land and were, therefore, engaged in battle against the Canaanites. Repeatedly, they witnessed God’s power working on their behalf as they defeated their enemies in the south. Their enemies in the north were yet to be defeated. But instead of marching northward, Joshua led the Israelites back to Gilgal.

Come Let Us Adore Him

We continue our look at the Magi’s journey to worship the newborn king. “Worship” (derived from the Old English word “weorth”) means to attribute worth to something. The Magi were on a journey to attribute worth to Jesus. Would you say that is your life pursuit—to attribute worth to Jesus?

The Sacrifice of Worship

The Magi set out on a journey to worship the newborn king. This journey was no easy task. Some say they traveled over 700 miles. Tradition tells us they traveled on camels, but any means of travel in that day for that distance would have been extremely difficult.

The Magi’s Belief

The Magi saw the star and believed a king was born. Their belief was life changing. They left behind the familiar and began a journey to find and worship this king. Belief in Jesus is always life changing! That which is familiar pales in light of seeking and worshiping Jesus Christ. The Magi teach us about worship, but first, let’s look at what they teach us about life-changing belief in Jesus.