In, But Not Of

In, But Not Of

…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds

and praise your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16


The most miserable people at a lake are those who are half in the water and half out. You’ve been there, right? You’ve slowly inched into the water, dreading the moment the water hits your tummy!

If the lake represents the world, that same principle holds true. The most miserable people are those inching into worldly views, but at the same trying to hold to Biblical truths.

The story of Lot in Genesis 13-19 reveals a miserable man. Lot first looked toward the wicked, worldly city of Sodom. He then staked his tent outside the city. Later, he moved into Sodom and eventually became a city leader. Do you see the progression? He set his gaze upon worldliness. He settled near worldliness, and then settled in worldliness and became established. The pull of the world is strong!

Abraham also lived among the worldly, yet his focus was centered upon God. As he traveled throughout Canaan, he built altars of worship to Jehovah. Those altars remained in the land as a testimony to the nations of the one true God.

God blessed Abraham with power and wealth. Those who lived around him took note. The Philistine king said to Abraham, “God is with you in everything you do” (Genesis 21:22). Abraham’s relationship with the living God was evident to those around him.

Two men. Two different lifestyles. One centered his life upon God. His faith and worship impacted the world around him. The other’s life was centered upon the world. He had little, if any, godly impact.

Do you know a follower of God who is settling increasingly into the ways and ideology of the world? Are you, like Abraham, remaining set apart while in the world? Are you displaying your faith so that others recognize the Lord in you and are drawn to Him?

Lord, strengthen us to exalt your name and hold high your truth as we live in this world.




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