Praying God’s Words

Praying God’s Words

You have said, “I will cause you to prosper, and I will make your offspring like the sand of the sea, too numerous to be counted.”

Genesis 32:12


How often do you find yourself wondering what to pray in a crisis, making a decision, or facing a fear?

Once facing a major family crisis, I was 500 miles away teaching on a seminary campus when I heard about the issue. Physically I could not help in any way. In that situation, I could only cry Jesus!

When needing to make a decision regarding whether to stay in the ministry God had called me to, or leave, I discovered Romans 4:20-21 referencing the faith of Abraham. I began to pray over and over, He (Chris) did not waver in unbelief at God’s promise but was strengthened in his (her) faith and gave glory to God, because he (she) was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to do.

In the Genesis 32 passage, we see Jacob praying back to God what God had said to him. He was about to face his brother Esau 20 years after they had parted ways over a dispute. He feared Esau’s earlier death threats due to his deception. Jacob needed to believe God had promised he and his offspring would live and multiply, so he prayed God’s promise.

God speaks to us throughout His Word. When we struggle to know how to pray,  call out His name. Turn to Psalms and find poetry that covers many prayer concerns.

Other times as we read, a passage speaks to us. Stop and pray His Word back to Him. Pray God’s promises to His followers. God doesn’t need the reminder, but we do!

God’s Word to us is to be read, studied, applied, obeyed, and prayed.

Lord, help me discern your Word spoken to me that proclaims your Truth so I can faithfully stand strong through prayer. When I have no words, may I rely on Yours for comfort and direction!


Chris Adams


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