Our Unique Giftedness

Our Unique Giftedness

Let all the skilled artisans among you come and make everything that the LORD has commanded.

Exodus 35:10


I love getting gifts! Most of us do. I especially enjoy getting an unexpected surprise. Last year I received a beautiful surprise orchid!  And it’s in bloom again as I write this.

God has given us so many gifts, Jesus being the best! The other gifts are a part of who God created us to be.

When I began leading in women’s ministry, I didn’t see myself as gifted at all. I didn’t even understand spiritual gifts back then. It wasn’t until someone pointed out to me that my organizational skill (the gift of administration) was a spiritual gift God was using to lead women that I even recognized I had that gift. I thought everyone could organize the details of life!

We may think of gifts only as seen in the New Testament lists (Romans 12:6–8; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; 1 Peter 4:10–11) but in Exodus 35 God gave instructions for the Tabernacle which would be constructed using people with various skills. He used the artistic creativity to design a beautiful place that His presence would fill. It took them all to get the job done. Continuing reading Exodus 35:30-36:1 for details!

God places us in church communities with specific strengths and skills to accomplish His Kingdom purposes. He knows how many administrators, teachers, creatives, and encouragers are needed to fulfill His assignments through each church.

How are you using your giftedness and strengths? If you don’t know your spiritual gifts, do a gifts study with a group of women. Then cheer each other on as you serve Jesus with those unique abilities.

Thank you, Lord, for gifting me to serve You. May I never misuse my gifts or use them for personal gain. Help me use every unique, creative strength you have given me to serve You and bring glory to Your name!


Chris Adams


Praying God’s Words

Praying God’s Words

