All in Serving

Created with Purpose

The hot pan holders I made serve the purpose of keeping hands from burning when picking up something hot. Ephesians 2:10 tells us God made us for a purpose. Every human being has a God-given purpose. He made us with meaning and a reason to be here.

So, what are we to do with this information?

His Treasured Possession

Then—Malachi’s words cut to the core of those who feared the LORD. Having come to their senses and repented of any personal falling away, they got together to talk it over. The Hebrew suggests this was not just one meeting, but occurred regularly and nurtured their faith. I cannot help but think they spent a lot of time speaking about the goodness of God in their lives—they honored His name!  


Have you ever listed the women who have most influenced your life? Luke’s list makes me wonder why Mary, Joanna, Susanna and the ​many others​ who served Jesus during his life were notable in first century AD. Surely these women suffered. I’m not sure if I could have endured an exorcism administered over Mary to cast out seven demons. Who would have the stamina to serve and live in the household of Herod?

New Seasons

After retiring from a hectic career that involved continual travel across the country and even beyond at times, I went through transition. Being a task oriented planner, I struggled at times to figure out this new season of life.


Leave Some

The incorporation of frugality into one’s life has its place. Greediness does not. Many of us make sure we get everything we have earned because we believe we deserve it. God’s Word surprises me, at times, because his instructions are very practical and specific.

Mercy Gifts

The dollar bills I keep in the console of my car are sweet reminders of my youngest grandson. While in my car one day he said, “My Dad has thousands of dollars in his car so that he can give to homeless people.” Wow! Out of the mouths of babes. I sense caution sometimes about when and why I should give a handout to a person regardless of their disheveled appearance. Obviously, personal safety is an important issue because our world is a dangerous place—just as it was when Jesus walked on this earth.

When God Sends an Angel

Ladies, the rebuke of the unnamed “prophet” (Judges 6:8-10) sets the stage. The people cry out; God reminds them of the reason for the oppression, before coming to the rescue—perhaps a little like making sure my children understood why they were being punished before showing them mercy.

Spiritual Sacrifices

You are a living stone. In the previous verse, Peter said Jesus is a living stone. You are being compared to Jesus! Wow!

You are being built into a spiritual temple. The architect and builder are none other than God himself! He promises to complete the project.


My principal asked me an opinion question. I really disagreed with the answer I knew she waited for so I said, “Whatever!” Of course, I immediately realized how rude I sounded and apologized profusely.

Kindness Personified

Little did I know when I met my neighbor on July 4th how much I would need her help on December 4th.

Fireworks popped, boomed, and crackled the first July 4th in our new home. I went outside to check out the goings on and noticed several other people out watching as well. After introducing myself to our across the street neighbor, I visited with her as we watched.

The One Thing

My daughter pulled a tangled mass of necklaces from her jewelry box. The intertwined chains resisted her attempts to untangle them. Not to be defeated, my daughter retrieved some wire cutters and began snipping some of the chains. She chose the necklaces she really wanted and cut away the ones that were less important to her. As she cut and extracted, the valued chains remained intact.


Have you ever listed the women who have most influenced your life? Luke’s list makes me wonder why Mary, Joanna, Susanna and the ​many others​ who served Jesus during his life were notable in first century AD. Surely these women suffered. I’m not sure if I could have endured an exorcism administered over Mary to cast out seven demons. Who would have the stamina to serve and live in the household of Herod?

A Good Example

Amid the feverish unpacking of boxes I heard the chime of the doorbell. When I opened the front door I discovered our teenage neighbor standing there with cookies, flowers, and a card in her hands.

Be Wise

Would you describe yourself as relationally wise? Here is a description of relational wisdom: But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17). Take a moment to think about each of those descriptors. How closely do these parallel your attitudes and actions toward others?