
What do you build on?

For many years … I found hope and joy from my next vacation or the next new, fun thing for my house or fancy meals eating out.

I built my hope on the things money can buy.

No More Dragging Your Feet

And so, with our eyes fixed on Jesus we have entered that race marked out for us (12:1-2). Make every effort is not lost on me. To race is to do just that—to expend all the energy you have till you reach the finish line. The Greek underscores your effort with godly fear—with the reverence of a minister or deacon (Strongs).

Owl Eyes

What a lovely May day it was. As I gazed out my back window, mesmerized by the deep blues of the hydrangeas and the emerging pinks and reds of the roses, a couple of horn-rimmed eyeballs caught my attention. What in the world was an owl doing in my pecan?

Untangling the Knots

How easily we can slip into outright sin and its entanglements. Tie on your godly truths securely; or like your dangling shoelaces, the ways of the world will trip you up. Sir Walter Scott's quote may possibly encompass all the devil desires from us: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." Deception could be the root of all evil. The serpent in the garden used that ploy, and look at the sin that entangled us all.


As I longed to be out on the mountain trails this summer, the following quote by John Muir, writer and naturalist, caught my eye:

“People ought to saunter in the mountains, not hike! …people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going, they would reply, ‘A la sainte terre, to the Holy Land.’ And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers.”

When the Wind Blows

We spent the day in lawn chairs watching my brother, his grandsons, and a “windmill expert” assemble a 100-year-old windmill in our pasture. By the evening, the seemingly random pile of metal transformed into a functioning mechanism for pumping water from a hundred feet below the ground’s surface.

A Tranquil Moment

But, for that instant, I could rest in the quiet beauty when all was well. I must not miss those moments, for they are rare among the rush of the world. They exist as God’s good gifts, like His Son, His Salvation, His grace, His love, and His ever-present counselor, His Holy Spirit.

Old Lies

As we stood at the sink washing Thanksgiving dishes, the family secret was revealed. My mom casually mentioned how sad she was when they “put Dudley down.” My hands stopped scrubbing as I turned to her in unbelief. More than 30 years ago, I had believed my parents’ story about our dear German Shepherd they would take to live “on a farm with lots of kids and dogs.”


Sleep is the most precious commodity to a new mother. She will do just about anything to ensure her baby rests for as long as possible. Note on the door? Check. White noise machine? Purchased. Whisper and tiptoe. Obviously. 

Near Your Altar

On a mission trip in Africa, I visited Victoria Falls, the largest waterfall in the world. The thundering roar can be heard from twenty-five miles away. As you approach, you realize that even if your words could be heard, they would be inadequate to describe the beauty before you. 


In deepest grief, the writer of Lamentations wrote of the destruction of his beloved city and nation. Even though his people had experienced terrible atrocities and even though they were still experiencing pain and suffering, he made an amazing statement about God: …great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:23).

A Picture of Mercy

If I asked you to take a picture of something representing God’s mercy, what would your photo include? Would it be a selfie of you and your friend hugging—the friend you had previously hurt with your words. Would you take a picture of the warning you received from the police officer instead of a speeding ticket?

Lettuce (Let Us) Praise

I was selecting lettuce in the produce section of the grocery store, when someone called my name. There stood my friend, who looked quite different from the last time I had seen him. He was thinner. He had no hair, no eyebrows, no eyelashes. This friend was being treated for cancer.