God and His Creatures

God and His Creatures

“Look at the birds of the air….”

Matthew 6:26 NIV


I walked through the pasture attempting to solve a mystery, an unusually large tangle of feathers hanging from the fence. However, upon closer examination, I gasped to see two large eyes from within the tangle staring directly into mine. It was the penetrating gaze of a Great Horned Owl. Its eyes followed me suspiciously as I carefully examined its plight.

A volunteer from a raptor rescuer organization encouraged me to retrieve it as quickly and carefully as possible. I anxiously followed their instructions: cover its head with a towel; untangle his wings from the fence; relocate it to a dark place to calm; and await their arrival.   

Days later, I wept to hear that even with our best efforts, it did not survive. Why the owl and I shared that stressful experience, a moment-in-time in both of our lives, remains an unanswered question before the Lord. After further reflections, however, I am certain of the following:

*Jesus grieved with me over the owl’s suffering.

*Death entered the world with sin in the Garden.

*Death is the final enemy Jesus will conquer.

*Things will not always be this way.

*Jesus will return to make all things new.

*In His kingdom creatures will thrive in a hazard-free environment.


*I will enjoy the happy hoots and joyful flights of Great Horned Owls forever!


Father, You charged us with caring for Your Creation. Pets as well as wildlife enrich my life. When I do my best to care for them, and my best is not enough, prompt me to entrust the disappointment to Your grace and compassion. For You, too, eagerly await the time when You will make all things new! In Your Son’s name I pray, amen.


Linda Lesniewski

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