Small, Yet Mighty

Small, Yet Mighty

The LORD had his heart set on you and chose you, not because you were more numerous than all peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples.

Deuteronomy 7:7 CSB


Being short in stature, my twins outgrew my height by the age of 10! I used to tell them, I may be little, but I’m mean! It really didn’t scare them, but I tried to make up for what I lacked in height by an authoritative voice!

When Israel was heading toward Canaan to enter, destroy the enemies, and possess the promised land, God told them they were chosen for this, but not because of their size or abilities (Deuteronomy 7:7).

By using a much smaller nation, God would show this small group of people how His strength would provide what their human power lacked. That’s if they would obey His commands. Unfortunately, fear kept them from entering Canaan the first time they approached its borders.

In declaring God’s sufficiency in our lives as Christ-followers, Paul states that his weakness is something to boast about saying, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:8 CSB). In this way, Paul’s weakness became God’s strength in him as he walked in obedience.

Similarly, that is what we see in Deuteronomy. But Israel had to trust God’s power to lead them to victory as they entered Canaan and conquered the bigger and more powerful tribes occupying the land. It was a great opportunity for all the people to see who God is!

When God asks us to do something we absolutely know we are unable to achieve, this is the perfect situation for us to trust God’s ability to provide all that is needed for His victory to be achieved through us. Smaller, and least numerous perhaps, yet strong in His power.

Jesus, you are greater than any challenge you place before us. Thank you that when you command and we obey, your grace truly is sufficient to make up for our weakness!


Chris Adams


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