
It could be trying a new recipe or dabbling in a new craft. Enjoy reading a new book or traveling to new places. There is excitement wrapped up in the idea of doing something new. However, becoming a new creation in Christ is listed as one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life.

God Hold Me

“Mommy, hold you,” or “Mommy, I want you.” Sweet. precious words from my little girls when they wanted me to pick them up and hold them. I would immediately stop what I was doing, pick them up, and keep them close to me.

Do You Hear?

My girls were attending a party which had a playground. The kids could play while the adults worked on getting the activities organized and set up. The kids had a wonderful time at the party, playing games, making crafts, and eating delicious snacks.

Discarded, but Treasured

My husband, Don, is a woodworker. He designed the box in this picture from discarded lumber—wood that was fit to be thrown away. The decayed, cracked wood was perfect for Don’s project. He broke the wood, poured resin to fill the cracks and holes, and then carefully constructed this beautiful box. The beauty of the resin is seen only because of the broken and cracked places in the wood.

Limping with God

Have you ever wrestled with God? Did you intellectually wrestle with God until you finally surrendered, believing Jesus is indeed who He claims to be? Have you wrestled with God in earnest prayer, refusing to let go of that which you believe to be God’s will?

Unloved, Yet Loved

Have you ever felt unloved? 

Genesis 29 unfolds the story of Leah, who was married to a man who loved someone else. God saw Leah in her unloved state and opened her womb. She gave birth to Jacob’s first-born son, Reuben, and declared, “…the LORD has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now” (Genesis 29:32).


Overdue Apology

I looked forward to youth group every week. My mom dropped me off at the back door of the church and I darted through the hall, heading up the stairs to the unfinished “attic” where we met on Wednesday nights. I couldn’t wait to see my friends and hear the music and message to grow my faith.

Sweet and Sour

I still remember that sweltering sunny day. As a child, picking strawberries was one of my favorite summer outings. I loved walking the aisles, eyeing the perfect berry and plucking it off the bush. As we began, I distinctly remember my mother’s instructions.No tasting the berries before we pay. That’s stealing.

Singing and Running

They tried everything they could to reduce her fever. Witch hazel. An ice bath. They knew a doctor was the best decision to save their daughter’s life. With no phone and no vehicle, they did the only thing they could.


Do you find yourself having self-control in some areas of your life, but others not so much? I know I do. Sometimes I feel like I am on a roller coaster. I go up and up feeling like I have made so much progress and then, bam, down I go at a much faster pace than I went up.


Motion at Your Front Door

A loud thump on our front door shattered our peace and quiet as we relaxed one evening. We looked but could not find anything. Before the evening expired my husband had ordered a ring doorbell for our front porch.

With a ring doorbell a person gets messages on their phone to alert them of any movement picked up on the front porch camera. The message displayed: “There is motion at your front Door.”