

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV


Just a normal day in Texas. A tornado warning hung in the air, but we rarely have a tornado this far South so why heed the warning? I went about my normal day.

Then, the internet went out. Communication with weather and news ground to a halt. I could barely even text or call my friends and family. A radio provided a bit of news, but when the electricity went out, it proved useless as well.

As the wind increased, I opened our front door just to check. No need for a weather man to tell me to take cover. The sky looked ominous and I had never heard such a ruckus. I headed for our hall bathroom.

When everything subsided, I figured the storm had ended and ventured out to a world with no electricity and no internet. Fortunately, we only had damage to our fence. Not so for many others with trees down, roof issues, and flooding.

I praised God for safety as I surveyed the damage and tried to get in touch with family members who had ridden out the storm as well. I felt pretty isolated with the lack of human connection.

It did not take long to realize I really was not alone in this scary weird situation. My connection with God did not diminish with the storm. And my neighbors -- our amenities usually kept us indoors, but without them everyone ventured out to check on each other and visit.

I would never describe the storm as anything less than awful. The widespread damage left many without electric power and internet for several days. Clean up took quite a while. But, in the midst of the challenges, we never lost our main Power source -- our connection with God.

God, you will never leave or forsake us. Thank you for our eternal connection with you.


Susan Partida



Motion at Your Front Door

Motion at Your Front Door

The Slump

The Slump