Discarded, but Treasured
Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you…
Mark 5:19
My husband, Don, is a woodworker. He designed the box in this picture from discarded lumber—wood that was fit to be thrown away. The decayed, cracked wood was perfect for Don’s project. He broke the wood, poured resin to fill the cracks and holes, and then carefully constructed this beautiful box. The beauty of the resin is seen only because of the broken and cracked places in the wood.
Things happen in our lives that damage, crack, or even break us. Have you ever come to a point where you felt worthless and deserving of a discard pile? Mark 5 unfolds the story of a man discarded by his family and an entire village. The townspeople feared the strength given him by demons. He was a danger to others and to himself. The people cast him out, viewing him as a hopeless case and a worthless man. He lived alone in the tombs.
Yet, Jesus considered the man of such worth that He made a special trip to meet with him. The one discarded by the people was treasured by the Lord. Jesus healed and transformed the man, giving him new life and new purpose. The man began a ministry of traveling through the region telling of the mighty deeds of Jesus.
You may have been discarded by others. You may feel worthless, but you are the Lord’s treasure. Jesus, the Master Carpenter, longs to remake you. In His hands, those damaged areas can be transformed into opportunities for His glorious character to shine forth and his mighty deeds to be magnified.
Jesus, thank you that no person is too damaged for you to remake into a vessel of your glory. Thank you that your Spirit brings beauty and healing into our lives.