Singing and Running

Singing and Running

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalm 23:4

They tried everything they could to reduce her fever. Witch hazel. An ice bath. They knew a doctor was the best decision to save their daughter’s life. With no phone and no vehicle, they did the only thing they could.

“Run as fast as you can to the doctor’s house. Ask him to come with his medicine kit. Whatever you do, don’t stop running!”

My mother recalls running with all her strength to get help for her baby sister. Images of her little body convulsing ran through her mind. My mom was only six-years-old, but she knew her run meant life or death for her sister.

The quickest route to the doctor’s house was through the old cemetery. She had never walked through it before and had always avoided even coming nearby. Now there was no choice. And the sun had just dropped below the horizon.

So, she began to sing hymns. She ran. Cried. Sang. As she passed through the cemetery, the headstones standing upright like people forgotten, she sang louder and louder.

She belted out her songs until she banged on the doctor’s front door. After his house call, her sister’s fever broke, and she was hailed a hero. Only she knew the fear she had overcome to make that brave run.

There are times we each walk a scary road. There’s nothing we can do to go around it. Filling our mouths with praise can strengthen us for the hard steps. God’s Word and songs of worship help us remember His power and presence. It may still be frightening, but He promises to never leave us.

What is your soundtrack when fears line your path? Do you have a praise playlist? Will you listen to the Bible app on your phone? Take some time today to make a short list of songs and Bible passages you can pull up when fears arise.

Lord, thank You that Your Word promises I can trust You when I am afraid.


Standing Alone

Standing Alone

