Limping with God

Limping with God

So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.

Genesis 32:24


After years of being away, Jacob was headed home with his family and possessions.  As he neared Canaan, he was told that Esau was coming toward him with 400 men. Jacob and Esau had not parted on good terms. Was Esau coming for revenge?

Jacob sent gifts ahead for Esau and secured his family and possessions. He remained alone, but not for long. A man appeared and wrestled with him until daybreak. It was quite a wrestling match. Jacob held his own, until the man touched Jacob’s hip, injuring it. In pain but refusing to let go, Jacob held tight until he received a blessing. The man said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome” (Genesis 32:28). Think about that. Jacob wrestled with God, but he came away from the struggle with a blessing.

Have you ever wrestled with God? Did you intellectually wrestle with God until you finally surrendered, believing Jesus is indeed who He claims to be? Have you wrestled with God in earnest prayer, refusing to let go of that which you believe to be God’s will? Have you wrestled with God when difficulty after difficulty threatened to block your path in serving Him? Have you wrestled with God over unanswered questions during an incomprehensible crisis?

How did you walk away from your wrestling? Did you walk away limping as Jacob did? Was your life forever changed? Did you walk away having experienced the power of God? Did you walk away knowing in a more real way the Presence of God, the wisdom of God, the Sovereignty of God…? What blessing did you gain from wrestling with God?

I would rather wrestle with God and go away limping, having received a blessing, than to walk perfectly and miss out on all God has for me. What about you?

Lord, cause our struggles, even our struggles with you, to end in spiritual blessing and growth.




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