How Then Can We Live…persevere in the will of God

The writer of Hebrews offers a not-so-gentle prod to these Judean Christians—you who believe and are saved are not to shrink back (10:39). Rather, remember those earlier days after you had received the light (10:32). Then, they had full assurance of faith (10:22), knowing they were able to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way (10:19-20) rather than by the Law. Then, they had hope (10:23) of their eternal reward. Then, they stood (their) ground in a great contest in the face of suffering (10:32). Now, their confidence is fading.

How Then Can We Live…imitate the faithful

Fixing our thoughts on Jesus (3:1), asking WWJD, seeing that HWLF (He would love first), we are moved forward in our thinking by the writer of Hebrews: keep on loving others as long as life lasts. Living a life of love till the end makes sense. It appears though that these Judean believers were losing hope because of all the false teaching and persecution of the time. We too could throw up our hands at the messy theology around us and lose hope of ever seeing our family and friends come to know Jesus.

How Then Can We Live…fix your thoughts on Jesus

Holy brothers—oh my goodness! Yet that is what we are. We, you and I and those Judean believers, are holy—sacred, pure, blameless by Christ’s atonement (2:17). We are set apart to live as holy, separated from sin, since we confess Jesus as our apostle and high priest. And we share in the heavenly calling: to confess Jesus as apostle and high priest to all who will listen, so they too may be holy.

Sheltering In Place

I breathe a sigh of contentment when reflecting upon this statement:

As believers, we have been granted all that we need

to be what God has called us to be

and to do the things God has called us to do

in the place where He has put us.

Move forward in the certainty that He is with us, for us and in us.

This God of awesome power will grant power to do what is needed. *

Holy Places

Awareness that God uses specific places to mark His interaction with believers encourages me in the dailiness of my faith walk. Since Adam and Eve left their home in the Garden, the longing for a specific place to call home has resided within our hearts. Many of the times when God makes His presence known occurs within these homes. That’s part of what makes a home so significant.


A gift from my daughter, a piece of barnwood with the word “dwell” on it, hangs proudly on the cabin wall. It’s a lovely word to ponder. “Dwell” has multiple meanings in the English language. The Greek verb, eskēnōsen, used in John 1:14 means “to make His dwelling among; tabernacle; dwell in a tent.” I love how the usage creates a vivid description for Jesus coming to live among us.


The longing for a place we can call home began after God created the world and called it very good. He fashioned a man and a woman and placed them in a garden named Eden. The dynamics of their world changed dramatically as a result of the choices they made. They lost their dwelling place, and rootlessness entered creation. They and their ancestors would forever struggle to find their place in a broken world.

The Significance of Place

How would you describe God? When Paul reasoned with the elite philosophers in Athens, he used these words as he described the one true God. …He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. From one man, He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands (Acts 17:25-26).

Who Obeyed?

Balak, son of Zippor, king of Moab, feared the Israelites after learning what they had done to other kingdoms as they made their way through the land. He summoned Balaam, a known diviner (similar to a sorcerer), to put a curse on these people.

Our Redeemer

Job uttered these words, “I know my redeemer lives.” Job, of all people – deathly ill, loss of children, misunderstood by friends. Those words did not come at the end of his struggles -- he spoke them in the midst of them. What an encouraging testimony!

Remembering God

Although God forbids having or worshipping idols of any kind, he did instruct the Israelites to put tassels on the corners of their garments to remind them of the importance of his commands. The tassels also served as an admonition to obey those same commands.

A Father Like No Other: He Gives Good Gifts

All she ever wanted was a horse. Our young daughter, Bre, rode carousel horses and played with toy horses until she was old enough to ride horses at summer camp each year through high school. She collected horse picture books, watched horse movies, and had horse-themed birthday parties, but she still wanted and frequently asked for a real horse.

A Father Like No Other: He Loves His Children

I still remember when Ste was about 2 weeks old, and his dad was eager to show him off to the pharmacology lab where he was a graduate research student. He wanted to share his joy and excitement over his infant son with faculty and students. I dressed him in a soft green Onesie. My heart burst with love as they left. Proud, proud Daddy.

A Father Like No Other: He is Trustworthy

Sweat dripped down my back and forehead in the oppressive summer evening heat. I was still able to concentrate on my ten-year old granddaughter Mack playing softball. This was her first year, but she was all in, mentally and physically. When she pitched, she focused on all the game situations. She knew the pitching count and how many outs there were each inning.

A Father Like No Other: He Pursues Us

Peace. Love. “Jesus freaks.” If you were around in the late 60s and early 70s, you are familiar with these words. The Jesus Movement, considered the fourth great awakening in the United States, ignited in California during this time, and exploded across the country, including Boulder, Colorado, where I lived until my mid-twenties. This movement was characterized by youthful counter-cultural transients. On the opposite side of the spectrum was conservative Billy Graham and his crusades. My family avoided and resisted both. We worshipped the Rocky Mountains.