Risk Takers

Have you ever played the game of Risk? The game can be described in two steps. Step one: build up your army and develop a stronghold. Step two: move forward and conquer, keeping in mind that moving forward involves “risks.”

Gone in a Moment

On December 26, 2015, an EF-4 tornado hit Garland and Rowlett, TX. Several died. Many homes and businesses were destroyed.

I was in Garland almost two months later and drove by an astonishing site I will never forget. It was a massive heap of rubble collected from the path of the tornado. Several other piles just like that one existed. Those piles were composed of what had once been the treasured possessions of many people. Those possessions were snatched away in a moment!

Undoing the Past

Are there things in your past you wish could be undone? Many of us have something that was done by another person that we would love to erase from our lives. If we could change that one act, perhaps the hurt, the scarring, the shame would vanish.


Albert György created a statue to portray his intense grief after the death of his wife. The statue, called Melancholy, is located in Geneva, Switzerland. If you haven’t seen it, look it up. It’s been said the statue’s bowed head, huge hole in the torso, and missing pieces of flesh and muscle express as nothing else the feeling of deep, consuming grief.

A Rest-full Soul

But, Lord, when will I sleep?

These were my words to God after being asked to take a position in a Bible study that seemed overwhelming and impossible. Our youngest daughter was four months old, and sleep was already something I might or might not have the privilege of enjoying. Was this God’s plan? I prayed and believed it was.


Social media. We have a love-hate relationship. While I do see it’s merit for connecting with friends and sharing God’s Truth, there are other aspects that irritate me. This is probably how most people feel – happy to stay current with friendships, tired of what they consider bragging.

Words to Remember

When my daughters were babies, I began writing in a journal for each one of them. To this day, every few months I record funny stories, family memories and some of the things I find most wonderful about them. I want them to have access to my words long after I’m gone. Also, I never want them to doubt how much I love them and have delighted in them throughout their lives. I hope the little stories I’ve written are tucked away as a part of their history.

Press On

A much younger friend works out with me to help me improve my health. She regularly reminds me that I “pace myself” when I’m doing any given physical challenge. While she would like for me to exert myself fully throughout, instead I start slowly and gradually increase my effort. She says I hold back.


Have you ever had a conversation that helped you reframe a current circumstance? Recently my husband’s comments about a difficult situation provided me much-needed perspective.

After we’d discussed the situation for what seemed like the forty-second time, he said, “This gives us an opportunity to trust the Lord.”

Singing and Running

They tried everything they could to reduce her fever. Witch hazel. An ice bath. They knew a doctor was the best decision to save their daughter’s life. With no phone and no vehicle, they did the only thing they could.

“Run as fast as you can to the doctor’s house. Ask him to come with his medicine kit. Whatever you do, don’t stop running!”

His Light

One of the fun adventures I got to enjoy with my daughters as a Girl Scout Troop Leader was our camping trips. We had many opportunities to camp in a scout’s backyard, camp by the lake, and even camp at SeaWorld in San Antonio. On each of these trips, one of the most essential items to have was a flashlight.

Hide and Seek

My girls loved playing hide and seek when they were younger. The thrill of finding the perfect hiding sport with the hope of outsmarting the seeker created a fun game for the whole family. Hide and Seek may be a fun game to play with family or friends, but we can never play it with God.

A Little Bird Told Me

My Grandmother had a funny way with words in order to get her point across. Some of her favorite sayings were: “This is how the cow ate the corn”, as she grabbed your knee to get your attention, “Well, shoot a monkey,” when things did not go her way, and “A little bird told me,” when she was curious about something she had heard.

Standing Out

Israel was faced with impossible odds when they looked at what was before them in the land of Canaan. God promised them this land, but seeing what they were up against was beyond their comfort zone and physical capabilities.