Offers for ways to live an abundant life are everywhere. If you just have this or do that, you will be fulfilled. Really?
All in God's Word
Offers for ways to live an abundant life are everywhere. If you just have this or do that, you will be fulfilled. Really?
Is speaking God’s truth to strangers easier or harder than speaking to the people you know? If those you are with desire God’s truth, are you bolder in talking about it?
Downsizing required sorting multiple boxes of yellowed childhood treasures. The task felt daunting. One item, though, made the experience worth the effort—a folded piece of manila paper with a title scribed by a child. “Prays and Verses.”
For some reason, at Christmas time we feel the need to prepare all sorts of decadent sweet treats. Homemade cookies, candy, cakes, and pies adorn kitchen cabinets and tables, many even used as gifts for friends and neighbors.
What battles have you faced recently? A dispute with a friend or co-worker? A fight with a family member? A health fear?
The other day I was taking off my jewelry, and I must have pulled too hard on my ring. It flew off the end of my finger when I pulled it over my knuckle. I heard it hit the carpet. I immediately got on my hands and knees to look for my ring. I must have looked for 20 minutes before I decided to stop and try again later. After looking later, I still could not find my ring. I knew it was there, and I also knew that I would find it with continued searching.
So I have a teenage daughter. I am learning new things by the minute. She is filling my life with laughter and terror all at the same time! It's a roller coaster, and I love it. This week I'm going to catch you up to speed with communication in the style of a teenager.
Several years ago now, our little neighborhood Bible study piled in our cars and drove an hour to a nearby city. Our destination was a day-long conference led by a woman who for over forty years had been a world-impacting teacher and author of Bible studies.
Rhetoric: “the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech” (online Oxford Languages). Amos is variously praised in the commentaries for his gifted writing. I was intrigued.
Does anyone else have as hard a time memorizing scripture as I do? I participate in a Bible study which encourages scripture memory, but I have found it so difficult to actually do. I decided to get serious about it with Ephesians 5:1-2.
The incorporation of frugality into one’s life has its place. Greediness does not. Many of us make sure we get everything we have earned because we believe we deserve it. God’s Word surprises me, at times, because his instructions are very practical and specific.
One simple verse that will be read very differently—depending on which one of two groups you fall into.
Group 1: “’Yes’ is ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is ‘no.’ Got it. Next question?”
Group 2: “Yes, that is true, but I am pretty sure I can make this work.”
Over fifty years ago as I hopped downstairs to the kitchen, I heard a distinctive yet familiar voice on the radio that Mom listened to every morning.
Is cross-country skiing on your bucket list by chance? Then the perfect place for you is in Stowe Vermont at the Trapp Family Lodge—yes, the Sound of Music von Trapps settled in Stowe in 1942, having fled Austria in 1938.
The human brain fascinates me. I observed its development as my babies learned to talk, walk and eventually drive away. Oswald Chambers' quote recently challenged me to consider the brain from a new perspective:
“God does not give us the mind of Christ. He gives us the Spirit of Christ, and we have to see that the Spirit of Christ in us works through our brains in contact with actual life and that we form His mind.” *
In one way, all of Scripture is both good and true as well as “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)
And, as most of us will testify, these benefits of Scripture have saved, guided and protected us on more than one occasion.
But there are special passages called benedictions that are some of the most powerful and beautiful passages in Scripture.
She ran. She wouldn’t stop until she was far away. Maybe the wilderness would offer some relief from the harsh treatment she had endured at the hands of her mistress, Sarai. Hagar could go no longer. She stopped by a rare spring in this parched land.
Cleaning out the refrigerator can be a frustrating endeavor, tossing into the trash those uneaten leftovers or the bag of slimy lettuce or whatever that dried, shriveled thing used to be. Wouldn’t it be much more cost effective to buy and prepare only the amount of food we needed with never any waste or spoilage?