Have you ever listed the women who have most influenced your life? Luke’s list makes me wonder why Mary, Joanna, Susanna and the ​many others​ who served Jesus during his life were notable in first century AD. Surely these women suffered. I’m not sure if I could have endured an exorcism administered over Mary to cast out seven demons. Who would have the stamina to serve and live in the household of Herod?

Covenant Love


It is finally dawning on me that God’s love is beyond definition: “For I am God and not a man—the Holy One among you” (11:9).


Way back in Hosea 2:14-15 God hinted at His tenderness, at the renewal of Israel’s blessings and their hope, at the restoration of His intended relationship with them. “In that day” (2:16) He will be like the dew to Israel, refreshing its roots and its blossoms, its splendor and its fragrance. His covenant love will kick into gear; He can’t go back on His promises.

Thornbushes and Brick Walls

Well, Hosea did as God told him to and married Gomer. She conceived and bore him a son, a daughter, and another son (1:3). Then things went awry. Gomer became restless, in spite of the love of Hosea: “I will go after my lovers, who give me my food and my water, my wool and my linen, my oil and my drink” (2:5). She had totally forgotten who had rescued her, protected her, loved her, and supplied all her needs.

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Ah, January—fun fact: “January was named for the Roman god Janus, known as the protector of gates and doorways which symbolize beginnings and endings. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other with the ability to see into the future” (almanac.com). Time to put on our two faces of Janus this week and dig into the book of Hosea to build some godly wisdom for 2024.

Pillar People

A very wise man once referred to a young couple as “pillar people.” They had fostered five siblings for an extended time and had grieved deeply when the time ended. The wise man encouraged them to see themselves as a stable pillar God had placed within the lives of these children. The siblings would forever look back at that time of stability as a frame of reference.

More than Just Making It

On my morning walk, I passed a neighbor walking the opposite direction. I greeted her and asked how she was doing. She paused and replied, “I’m making it.” I understood her response. Her life has become complicated because of her mother’s failing health.

Set Free!

My friend told me the story about her early Christmas present. Her mother bought a new car for her and her husband. At first I was struck by the generosity of this mother, but the rest of the story intrigued me more. 

Never Alone

A few years ago, we had a most unusual Christmas day lunch. It was the “in-law Christmas,” and so, our girls and their families were coming the day after Christmas. I had been busy preparing food for the week and just didn’t have the energy to prepare another meal for Christmas day. Therefore, we went to eat at one of the few restaurants open.

The Good Lion

I wonder what it was like to be a recently freed Israelite slave preparing to receive God’s law in the wilderness. Can you picture the scene? Camped at the base of Mount Sinai in the middle of the desert, waiting anxiously to meet your Deliverer?

Fearless Love

When I was growing up, I was haunted by verses like John 14:21: He who has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. What is His command? To love the Lord Your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37) These kinds of verses haunted me because deep down, I knew my obedience wasn’t fueled by love.

Don’t Go In The Gutter!

Suppose I decided to go bowling with a friend who wanted to play the game without the gutter guards. If you knew how bad of a bowler I am, you’d know I’d start sweating! Do you know the first thing that would start going through my mind?

Other Holiness

One of my seminary professors once described holiness simply as  “other,” meaning that if you took the sum total of all your past experiences and drew a circle around them… Holiness would be in an entirely separate circle.