Waves of Joy

I’ve had migraines for as long as I can remember. My mom and I have a running joke that “it’s not really a migraine until your brain’s having a baby!” But that is more or less what it feels like… As if my  brain, for no apparent reason, has suddenly taken it upon itself to give birth from inside my skull. I’m sure some of you beautiful, courageous ladies know EXACTLY what I’m talking about!

Squirreled Away

While driving home from out of town, I received a text from my husband that said, “There’s a squirrel in a shoebox on the counter. If it’s dead when you get home, throw it into the woods.”

Follow the Leader

I pulled into the rest area and looked around. The people I observed were as varied as the vehicles. Where were they all going? The adventurist in me began to imagine several possible scenarios.

Prepare the Way – No Excuses

As we waited in our spot by the curb for the annual Christmas parade, our two-and-a-half-year-old grandson grew impatient. I tried to tell him about all of the cool lights and sights the parade promised, but to no avail. I could not believe it when he came up with an excuse for why he would not enjoy the event.

Prepare the Way – The Glory

Oh, how I love decorating for the Christmas season. It just fills my heart with joy. I have some cute Santas, but I really look forward to putting out my collection of nativities. Each different, they all depict baby Jesus in a manger, Mary and Joseph on each side. Some even include various animals.

Game 7, A Little Like Heaven

I never in my wildest dreams thought we would be able to go to a Game 7. For those of you not familiar with sports, teams play Game 7 in the play offs with everything on the line. It is the last game of the series. In our case, the sport, baseball, included two Texas teams with the prize game located right in our city. We really wanted to go.


Imagine along with me for a minute…

It is autumn in the spiritual fruit orchard. As you walk down the rows of trees, you notice something interesting. The harvest has been completed and the branches are bare, except for the fruit that remains on one kind the tree. You ask your companion what it is and he answers,

Something of Eden

When the Lord spoke those words to Adam, He was not noting a shortcoming or fixing a problem. He was announcing the next step in His Creation. Remember, Adam hadn’t expressed loneliness. It was God who determined there was a need because it was God who had created the need.

Just So Glad to be Here

It was the day of the closing on our home and everything had moved along like clockwork. Soon the papers would be signed and we would be on to the next phase of our re-location scenario. When I awoke that morning, I was extremely tired, but why shouldn’t I be? I had spent weeks emptying cupboards and packing boxes.

Aging With Gratitude: God Perfects My Way

Walking is one of my favorite activities, but. . . one misstep years ago and I fell straight down into the dark, dirt basement. I was thirteen and foolishly walked onto thin sheet metal—placed to prevent accidents—that covered the opening for our future brick fireplace. Fortunately, one deep gash on my shin was the only injury I suffered.


Aging With Gratitude: A Teachable Heart

Gratitude saved me—from hopelessness, self-pity, and victimization.

Some of my grandchildren enjoy creating objects with soft, moldable clay that doesn’t harden—pliable enough to reshape but hard enough to hold its form. Our brains are like clay, which can affect our hearts—the core of our being, where Jesus Christ lives.