Genuine Faith

Genuine Faith

…the proven genuineness of your faith, of greater worth than gold….

1 Peter 1:7 NIV


The withered little plant appeared dead, but I smiled and accepted the gift in faith. A friend assured me that it only needed planting and watering. Even though my faith floundered, my friendship did not. So, I dutifully complied.

That tiny brown seedling not only survived, it eventually multiplied along my driveway. Its towering stalks offering bright yellow blossoms every fall thereafter. I had little faith of my own. My horticultural friend’s confidence bolstered mine enough to plant then wait and see what happened.

A different type of faith, spiritual faith, permeates God’s Word. Peter stated that tested-and-proven faith held more value than gold. This golden faith describes a faith that has persevered through trials. This perseverance results in a purification process that produces genuine faith.

I seldom think about the spiritual price tag of faith—its worth, its value in God’s eyes, but Peter did! He wrote, “These (trials) have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Pet 1:7 NIV). An additional benefit of proven faith is that Christ will commend His people who possess it on that great day of His return.

Mathew Henry, an eighteenth-century biblical scholar wrote, “…the saints will appear with Him, … and the more they have been tried, the brighter they will then appear. The trial will soon be over, but the glory, honor, and praise will last to eternity.”*

Father, thank you that You not only care about the trials I experience, You also will use them in my life to refine and purify my trust in You. I’m amazed that You value my faith so much that You will redeem it with glory, honor, and praise for all eternity. Help me to always look to you for faith and for courage to persevere when trials come into my life.


Linda Lesniewski                                                      

*Matthew Henry Commentary,


Pillar People

Pillar People

Persevering Faith

Persevering Faith