Life is Short

Each week I move a button from one jar on my desk to another. One jar has enough buttons to represent each week I hope to live until I reach age 70. The other jar holds buttons for each week I’ve completed.

Love With All Your Soul

Your soul is the core of who you are and who God created you to be. He desires that every thought, feeling, decision and perception flows through Him. He wants you to love Him with all your soul.

Love Your Neighbor

One of the exciting things my husband and I get to enjoy as leaders in college ministry is having socials at our house. We love having our home filled with students, fellowshipping with each other, conversing over a home-cooked meal, and laughing as we play entertaining games. Seeing their smiling faces of appreciation warms our heart.

Love With All Your Heart

How do we know that we are loving the Lord with all our heart? We look to scripture to find the answer. Matthew 15:18 says, “But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean’. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.”

Love With All Your Mind

My husband and I took a trip to Beavers Bend State Park and we hiked the beautiful Ouachita Mountains. We took the hiking trail called Lookout Mountain and it did not disappoint. As we stood there in awe at the majestic mountain range that surrounded us, we could easily set our minds on how God is truly amazing. Making our way down the trail, we approached a sign that charted our next course of direction; however, the sign was broken and the direction we should have taken was missing.

Love With All Your Strength

My youngest daughter enjoys taking tumbling class each week. I watch as her coach works on building her core muscle strength and her balance. All the exercises and skilled techniques are designed to build up her strength so that one day she can perform a somersault or a backhandspring. My daughter cannot perform these amazing moves until she builds up her muscle strength necessary to achieve these great skills.


I looked out the back door window enjoying the country view of pine trees.

 Something blurred my vision… I could see fingerprints.

 I had just cleaned the glass… but there they were… again.

 I recognized the hand pattern.

 Hmmm… I knew who the fingerprints were from.

 God has fingerprints…

In But Not Of

I have friends who like to scuba dive. They put on their equipment and plunge into a different world under the sea. The sea isn’t an environment suited to man naturally. However, with the right equipment, it is possible to breathe and explore fascinating things God has created.