It’s Not Complicated

A cruise may be a relaxing get-away, but the months of preparation before you step onboard are strenuous. I didn’t expect so many hoops to have to jump through. Getting a passport, adding four smartphone apps, completing applications, and coordinating port requirements took many hours of concentrated work.

Know Who is in Control

“That’s the way life goes.”

“That’s the way the cookie crumbles.”

These responses are used to explain events in life that are beyond our control. Somehow, saying these idioms, makes undesirable occurrences more easily accepted or excused. However, these overused catch phrases allow compromise and ignore God’s involvement.

Uncommon Forgiveness

The new widow entered the sanctuary alone. I walked behind her. Her young daughters were already seated with my two teens. As I followed her to the front-row pew, an unexpected thought caught me off-guard. Walk alongside the grieving widow and hold her hand.

Change Happens

Change happens and sometimes we are happy.

Change happens and sometimes we grieve.

Change is certain.

Some changes I choose and some I don’t. Because God is always the same, we can trust Him, His Word, and be forever secure.

God never changes. Will you count on Him when inevitable changes interrupt?

Unlikely Treasures

With great anticipation we poured the bags of sand into our plastic gold-mining pans and dunked them halfway down into a water trough. My sister-in-law and niece started swirling their pans in shallow water before I did. I followed their lead—gently, methodically, and with high hopes of spotting gold pieces.

Thank You!

How do you feel when someone thanks you for something you have done, especially when you have invested much of your time, money, or thought? Happy, encouraged, appreciated, noticed? What about when you don’t get the thanks you had hoped for? I feel devalued, overlooked, deflated, and sad.

God Sees Me

She ran. She wouldn’t stop until she was far away. Maybe the wilderness would offer some relief from the harsh treatment she had endured at the hands of her mistress, Sarai. Hagar could go no longer. She stopped by a rare spring in this parched land.

Our Lifeline

A World War II veteran shared some of his experiences at my church. He recounted carefully maneuvering through a minefield with his troop. Terror filled the group as one of his buddies up ahead inadvertently stepped on a mine. This soldier knew he had no hope unless someone helped him. All he could do was stay extremely still, remain calm and wait. One wrong move would end his life.

Again? Really?

Red, round, juicy home-grown tomatoes are my obsession every summer! They are far superior to their tasteless counterparts that are picked green and ripened by gassing, occupying the shelves in most grocery stores.

Just Enough

Cleaning out the refrigerator can be a frustrating endeavor, tossing into the trash those uneaten leftovers or the bag of slimy lettuce or whatever that dried, shriveled thing used to be. Wouldn’t it be much more cost effective to buy and prepare only the amount of food we needed with never any waste or spoilage?

Let Your Words Be Few

Once my daughter and a friend of hers got into a little disagreement. As I asked the girls what the problem was, each girl began telling her side of the story . . . simultaneously. When they realized that neither was backing down, each girl spoke louder and louder. My son was standing right beside me, and his observation was, "That's too many words!" I laughed and had to agree.

Trust or Unbelief?

Are these new verses to you? Not likely. Many of us have these verses memorized, and we even classify these as all-time favorites. These words are truth, but it is difficult for us to really live them out.

To Grow or Not to Grow

One of my favorite things to do is watch my two kids compete in the sports they love. Over the years, I have watched MANY seasons of various sports. I very rarely missed a game or meet of any kind. Of course, I’m their biggest fan!

Quiet and Still

I have to admit, I don’t really like a quiet house. If I am alone, I’ll turn on the TV for some background noise. When fixing dinner or cleaning up, I like to watch or listen to something. I immediately sense the urge to turn on a little HGTV, etc. Even in the car, I am listening to something. Not that this is wrong, but I have allowed this to become a habit for me.

Little Miss Worry

When I was a child, there was a “Mr. Men” and “Little Miss” book series written by Roger Hargreaves. The characters in the stories had dominant personality traits that either caused them problems or showed another character how to engage in the positive quality. Everyone learned something through the moral lessons of these stories. I have noticed that they have made a reappearance in the form of memes.

A New Thing

Are you ready for something new? Do you need a fresh start, a new direction, a renewed spirit? Do you feel like you have a slow leak in the abundant life to which you were called?

Waiting before God

I am so glad that God did not call me to be an Old Testament prophet. But I am grateful that the Lord gives us glimpses into the vulnerability and human-ness of these great men and women of faith. I’ve recently been intrigued by the prophet Habakkuk. His name means “One who wrestles or embraces”, and we see him wresting with God in the first chapter of the book named after him, asking questions that are familiar to us: “How long, Lord?” and “Why?”.


My little city in Texas is in the midst of a drought. Not only have we lacked adequate rainfall, but our daily temperatures have soared over 100 degrees on many days. The early heat and the rarity of rainfall have taken a toll on grass, trees, shrubs and gardens. As a new retiree, I have become so aware of the consequences of weather and our dependence on God’s provision in this area.


I am a beginning gardener, and though my goal this spring was to start a cutting garden, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a few homegrown tomatoes. Yum! I did my part: I prepared good soil; I planted a healthy plant; I watered it and provided fertilizer; I even put in stakes for support. And I watched and waited. As the plant grew, I was fascinated with the tiny blooms and subsequent fruit growing. I was disheartened when one of the branches grew so heavy with new fruit that it broke from the vine. Did those tomatoes continue to mature and ripen? No! Did the vine continue to produce new blooms and fruit? No. Disconnected from the source of all its needs, the vine and its fruit withered and wasted away. I tossed it into a pile of yard rubbish destined to be burned.