Change Happens

Change Happens

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)


Change happens and sometimes we are happy.

My brothers and I were excited to go to downtown Boulder, Colorado to watch the latest movie at the Boulder Theater. It was the 1960s and even then, the Boulder Theater was a relic. It has anchored the downtown scene since 1906. Before leaving home, we grabbed some collapsed wax-coated cardboard gallon milk cartons. Mom kept a stash of them for us. When we arrived at Boulder Theater kids ran from every direction to an empty dump truck backed up to the curb. We all hurled our milk cartons into the back of it. Then we received our admission tickets. Those were the days! I don’t remember the movies we watched—probably something like The Three Stooges or Zorro—but I have vivid memories of tossing my milk cartons into the dump truck!

By the 1980s Boulder Theater couldn’t compete with newer mall-style theaters, so it struggled for survival. Historic Boulder, an organization dedicated to preserving the downtown area saved it from demolition and various owners and renovations put their mark on it. The Boulder Theater currently hosts live entertainment and conferences as a nationally recognized event venue.

Change happens and sometimes we grieve.

Years ago, being a single parent living apart from family, friends, and church I was lonely and experienced challenging changes. There were not yet resources such as the internet or cell phones. However, God was ever-present, available, and faithful. My circumstances had changed, but the God of my heart had not.

Change is certain. Some changes I choose and some I don’t. Because God is always the same, we can trust Him, His Word, and be forever secure. People and circumstances may change in a moment. But—our God—our living hope—Jesus (1 Peter 1:3 ESV) does not.

God never changes. Will you count on Him when inevitable changes interrupt? The God that past generations served is the same God we serve today and the same—but never boring—God that future generations will serve.

Karen Sims

Uncommon Forgiveness

Uncommon Forgiveness

Unlikely Treasures

Unlikely Treasures