Again? Really?

Again? Really?

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.

2 Chronicles 15:7

Red, round, juicy home-grown tomatoes are my obsession every summer! They are far superior to their tasteless counterparts that are picked green and ripened by gassing, occupying the shelves in most grocery stores.

I’ll grow my own! How hard could it be? I reasoned. 

Over the years I’ve planted different types in various locations at alternate times of the summer. All ended with less than stellar results, yielding only a few small tomatoes.   

Caterpillars devoured the leaves. Animals or birds ate the tomatoes as they were beginning to ripen. One plant grew large and lush but failed to produce any fruit.

Finally I concluded that God must want me to support the local growers who had the farming touch. With my agricultural days behind me, I frequented farmers’ markets.

I was content with this arrangement. And then earlier this summer, I commented on my neighbor’s big tomato plants. She glanced at me, grinned and said, “I have one left that I haven’t planted yet if you want it.” 

I had previously disclosed my fiascoes of the past to her. What was she thinking?

“Are you sure you don’t want to try again?” she asked.

A couple days later, a freshly potted little tomato plant sat on my deck. I was instructed to water it daily and feed it periodically. To my surprise the plant grew fast. Soon several green bulbs appeared where the blossoms had been. As the tomatoes grew larger, apprehension turned into anticipation. 

One day the plant was covered in red and green tomatoes! I texted pictures to my neighbor of the progress. Along the way, she encouraged me and answered my questions. Because I took a risk to try once more, I feasted on tomatoes all summer. I even had extra to share.

Ladies, have you given up on a dream? I encourage you to try again. The results just might be worth the effort. With God all things are possible!


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