All in righteousness


Find the moon in the sky before dawn.

Allow the sun to nourish you.

Study the hues and tones of God’s chosen colors in a sunset.

Listen to bird conversations.

Feel the breeze.

Don’t work, don’t talk, just be still and listen.

Wait for renewal, strength and peace to be restored.


My little city in Texas is in the midst of a drought. Not only have we lacked adequate rainfall, but our daily temperatures have soared over 100 degrees on many days. The early heat and the rarity of rainfall have taken a toll on grass, trees, shrubs and gardens. As a new retiree, I have become so aware of the consequences of weather and our dependence on God’s provision in this area.


“Don’t blink,” said the technician at the ophthalmologist’s office. Bright flashes of light made it almost impossible not to blink. I thought, “How long will this last?”


Find the moon in the sky before dawn.

Allow the sun to nourish you.

Study the hues and tones of God’s chosen colors in a sunset.

Listen to bird conversations.

Feel the breeze.

Don’t work, don’t talk, just be still and listen.

Wait for renewal, strength and peace to be restored.