Esther-The Promise Keeper

Esther-The Promise Keeper

Esther had not revealed her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had forbidden her to do so.

Esther 2:10


In the ancient Persian capital of Susa, between 486-465 B.C., an unforgettable God-story took place which teaches about God’s character. The story centers around Esther and her father, Mordecai.

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon took a large Jewish population as exiles to Persia.

Esther, an orphan, was adopted by her cousin, Mordecai. Mordecai loved and raised her as his own daughter.

Because of a marital power struggle between King Xerxes and Queen Vashti, the king ousted the queen when she refused to attend one of his lavish banquets. Her actions caused the king to go even further with a proclamation stating every man should be ruler over his own household. (Esther 1:22)

When the dust settled, King Xerxes decided he needed a new queen, so he issued another order for every young beautiful virgin to be brought to the citadel of Susa for a period of time to be prepared for the king’s choice to be his new queen. (Esther 2:2)

Over time, Esther became part of an exclusive group of seven girls who, for two years,  underwent further preparation for the final selection to be queen.

Esther’s life was radically changed, but Mordecai kept watch over her day by day. (Esther 2:11)

During this time, Mordecai told Esther never to reveal her ethnicity and religious background to anyone. (Esther 2:10)

Bound by a promise, Esther remained faithful to her father’s wishes while keeping the promise to not speak a word about her Jewish heritage.

Since Esther is known for “speaking the truth,” this part of the story is crucial because she knew she must uphold Mordecai’s instructions by remaining silent. The lives of the entire Jewish population in Persia depended on it!

Eventually, Esther wooed the heart of the king with her exquisite beauty and personality to become the king’s choice for the queen of Persia. But all the while, she kept the faith while living under the covenant promise to her father and her own people.

It may be difficult for us to relate to Esther’s story because it is an ancient one. However, many who trust God and love the stories in The Bible still find courage and strength to endure personal struggles, in whatever circumstances they may find themselves now.

Finding time to examine our history from the mind of God is vital.

We will never know the fear felt by Esther during those early years, but we do know she didn’t let that fear rule her heart. She turned a potentially terrifying situation into an opportunity to benefit others, and for that she is remembered to this day.

Is there something difficult in your life which is out of your control and beyond your strength to change? Could that burden be less sorrowful if you pray for God’s perfect plan to be fulfilled, while being reminded of the strength and guidance God gives everyone who loves him?

Promises to keep. Faithfulness. Wisdom. Courage. Righteousness gained.


Jill Hendrix                                                                                      

*All scripture references: NIV

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