The LORD will perfect that which concerns me. My children concern me. My family concerns me. My friends concern me. My utmost desire is that they know Jesus and walk with Him.
The LORD will perfect that which concerns me. My children concern me. My family concerns me. My friends concern me. My utmost desire is that they know Jesus and walk with Him.
Are you lonely?
In this crazy world filled with so many people, I can feel so lonely…
Have you ever heard the term “white lie”?
It means a small lie that doesn’t do any harm.
Is there such a lie?
In storms of life… fear escalates… becoming more intense.
When out of your element, in a storm, the enemy has an advantage… fear is a strong weapon.
Do you know what to do in that situation?
Do you like to please people?
Most of us do… it just seems right somehow.
What about pleasing God? I want to… but look at this truth…
I don’t forgive easily… do you?
When things are peaceful… it is easier to forgive.
But what about in a storm of life?
How about cleaning out some of those bins full of journals? My husband had a legitimate point. He had moved the bins of Bible studies and notebooks from attic to attic during the last fifteen years we’d been married. I lifted the lid and memories flooded my mind. Journaling in my childhood bedroom. Scribbling away under a lush Magnolia tree at Baylor. Pouring out my heart on lonely nights in my small apartment. That bubbly handwriting of my youth eventually gave way to chicken scratch that makes my children cringe today.
When my daughters were babies, I began writing in a journal for each one of them. To this day, every few months I record funny stories, family memories and some of the things I find most wonderful about them. I want them to have access to my words long after I’m gone. Also, I never want them to doubt how much I love them and have delighted in them throughout their lives. I hope the little stories I’ve written are tucked away as a part of their history.
Have you ever watched a video that was filmed with time-lapse photography? My favorites to watch are those of blossoming flowers. A process that takes hours in real-time is shown in mere seconds. Subtle movements, not seen by the naked eye, are clearly displayed.
Social media. We have a love-hate relationship. While I do see it’s merit for connecting with friends and sharing God’s Truth, there are other aspects that irritate me. This is probably how most people feel – happy to stay current with friendships, tired of what they consider bragging.
A much younger friend works out with me to help me improve my health. She regularly reminds me that I “pace myself” when I’m doing any given physical challenge. While she would like for me to exert myself fully throughout, instead I start slowly and gradually increase my effort. She says I hold back.
Do you know how precious metals are refined? Smelting is the process in which gold is separated from ore and other metals. The ore is first pulverized with extreme pressure to create tiny particles, which are then melted at almost 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. As the gold becomes molten, most of the impurities are burned up.
All summer long, my backyard rose bush produces hundreds of pink roses. I notice that it blooms and then most of the roses die about the same time. With my garden shears, I cut away the spent blooms. I imagine it sighing and saying, Thank you. Now I have room to grow and bloom all over again.
How often do you think about your pinky toe? Not very often, I would suspect. That is, until you stub and break it! Then, all you seem to think about is that toe.
God’s heart is for His people. We saw that yesterday when He told us the kind of fast in which He approves. One that involves setting people free from heavy burdens, and sharing with the hungry and homeless. Today, let’s look at His beautiful promises when we love others in these ways.
The Israelites wanted to know, Why have we fasted, but You have not seen? We have denied ourselves, but you haven’t noticed! (Isaiah 58:3a CSB). When have you thought these very words or ones like them? Prayed, yet didn’t feel heard?
Wow! Gideon’s 300 men soundly routed the Midianites. Amazing what God can do with the man He calls in the strength He gives him. To God be the glory! And the enemy stayed far away from the people of God for as long as Gideon lived: During Gideon’s lifetime, the land enjoyed peace forty years (8:28).
Too many men: God, what are you thinking? The enemy are 135,000 strong (Judges 8:10) and Israel has a mere 32,000 (7:3). You want all who are afraid to turn back? And guess what—22,000 did just that. Oh Lord!
If God promises, it is so—isn’t that correct ladies? Seems Gideon was having a hard time believing that: “But Lord…how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Mannasseh, and I am the weakest in my family” (Judges 6:15). But Gideon, “I will be with you!” (6:16), said God back. What more could Gideon ask for? Well, lots as it turned out. How about a sign or two or three, God?
Ladies, the rebuke of the unnamed “prophet” (Judges 6:8-10) sets the stage. The people cry out; God reminds them of the reason for the oppression, before coming to the rescue—perhaps a little like making sure my children understood why they were being punished before showing them mercy.