Look to Jesus

One of my favorite movies is “Wonder” based on the book by R. J. Palacio. The story is about a fifth-grade boy born with extreme facial differences. He is ashamed of his appearance and shunned by peers. He hides his face under an astronaut’s helmet with a tinted shield. Cruelty erupts. Lessons in kindness and healthy ways of relating to diversity emerge throughout the story.

Safe Under God’s Wings

Driving through Oklahoma, I glimpsed an adult bald eagle perched prominently atop an evergreen tree. The sight flashed by as we sped on, but he was forever etched in my mind. I haven’t seen one in nature, only in captivity. His “bald” head of vibrant white feathers radiated authority and power. Unmoved by his surroundings, weighty in presence, he portrayed unrivaled protection and peace—what my fearful heart most craves. Secured. Defended. Watched over. Sustained. Sheltered.

Called to Contentment

Karen, why don’t you believe your costly value is from God, and not from performance or the approval of others? I’m not content with my significance and worth. Recently, I rifled through shelves and boxes for the book that addressed these issues and most impacted my beliefs. Not to be found. How ironic! I wanted to refer to it to help me write this devotional rather than depend on God! Ouch.

Listen for God’s Quiet Whisper

In 1990, cell phones were uncommon. I booked a flight from Dallas, Texas to Denver, Colorado to visit my parents. I was a single mom with two small children. What was I thinking to make a trip like this without another adult? We discussed the flight information through home phones.

A Habit of Faithfulness

Years ago, my son told me his friend’s high school band would be going to a fabulous destination that year. My son was jealous. He wanted to go, too. I explained that the trip was a well-deserved reward for his friend. His friend had faithfully played for years in the band. He had consistently shown up to many band practices. He had practiced his instrument for countless hours.

My Beloved Speaks

At the wedding reception of my daughter and son-in-law, friends and family united with us to celebrate. I hoped to acknowledge each guest personally. There were just too many people and too little time to visit. The responsibilities as mother of the bride pulled me away as well. The reception was a blessed event, but it was not a time to enjoy a good heart to heart conversation.

A Year of Discontent

I thought my word for 2022 would be contentment. The more I contemplated, the more I realized my word would be discontentment. I am not content with staying where I am spiritually. I want to know God more deeply. I want to pray more intentionally for my nation and family. I want to increase in loving and giving.

Gifts from God

We recently celebrated Christmas, remembering that Jesus came to earth from heaven to be born as a baby. Jesus grew to become a man. Around age 30 he began his ministry in Israel. Three short years later, Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

Open the Door of Your Heart

At the age of 18, I awakened in the middle of the night to God beckoning my soul. Lord, I’m not ready. He didn’t use any words, yet I knew He wanted me to say yes to Him. I didn’t know what saying “yes” meant, but the invitation was clear. I wasn’t ready to give up things I wanted to hold onto.

Living in Victory

A new year is a good time to reflect on the past, make changes that improve life, and to honestly deal with any unconfessed sin. God is always faithful to forgive and remove it, but Satan sometimes has other plans for lingering guilt and shame.

Don’t Fall for Suckers

Tomatoes, when they need pruning, have little growths (sucker shoots) that spring up between the stem and branches that becomes another stalk. This little shoot is in constant competition for nutrients with the original plant. It might result in more tomatoes, but each one will be smaller. The bigger the shoot grows, the more cumbersome it becomes and more effort it takes to keep it staked.

Don’t Listen to Ugly

Rejection. Most people have experienced rejection in their lifetime. Some say that rejection is a regular visitor. Whether it is your teenaged friends leaving you out of the group, rejection from your mother, father, or a stepparent, an unfaithful spouse or friends that leave you behind when you experience a divorce.

Hope in the Midst of Judgement

It is no secret. The people of Judah experienced God’s faithfulness to his warning. If they departed from Him, He would bring judgement upon them. They departed. He destroyed. The Babylonians came in, crushed Jerusalem, ravaged the Temple, and carried the people off into captivity.