All in God's Character

Spinning out of Control: but for the One who Sustains it

’Tis true ladies, He who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth. Not only did He speak the heavens and the earth and the creatures into being, and lovingly mold man from the dust of the earth (Genesis 1-2). Our God sustains all He made, as surely as the world spins. He did not create and walk away from the grandeur. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17). If this were the kingdom-of-me, I can only imagine what things would be like.

Spinning out of Control: Stop the World, I want to Get Off!

If one were to attach a descriptor to 2020, it could easily be: spinning out of control! I am reminded of the title to the 1961 musical made famous by Anthony Newley: Stop the World, I want to Get Off. 2020—exactly! Ever wonder who was in control through the months of uncertainty? The experts wavered—how was the virus transmitted? are surfaces contaminated? how close is close? do we need to wear masks? how long to quarantine? And we still don’t really have answers.

God’s Arrow

If you are anything like me you may not enjoy war movies. Blood and guts, people dying – just not my thing to watch. It just hurts my heart to think things like these battles have happened and are still happening.

Even though not my favorite, I have watched bits and pieces of some war movies. I think back to ones fought with bows and arrows. Though embellished for the viewers’ entertainment, I can still picture the thousands of arrows flying through the air. Many of those same arrows pierced their intended targets while others fell by the wayside.

I Am Secure

The day Drew moved out followed ten months of limbo. It had been an awful day. The kids cried themselves to sleep. It was late when Dana climbed into bed. She sat propped up on her side of the double bed and opened her Bible. She hadn’t planned to read Romans 8, but the words were there for her that night.

God’s words touched her gently, much like the romantic gesture of being presented a single, long-stemmed red rose.

I Am Wanted

Eight months had passed since Drew’s and Dana’s ten-year marriage started to unravel. Uncharacteristically, Drew accompanied Dana and the children to church one Sunday morning. It was Valentine’s Day.

The service was unremarkable until the associate pastor announced he would be teaching on romantic love from Song of Solomon.

I Am Beautiful

Drew and Dana began marriage counseling with a Christian counselor soon after their move. Drew finally admitted to having an extramarital affair. As devastating as the news was, Dana expressed the willingness to forgive him. Her commitment to keep their family intact held steady. Drew wanted a separation, but he took no action to move out.

I Am Valuable

Following Drew’s confession that he didn’t love her, Dana’s feelings continued to reel. She felt lost at sea one moment and anchored by faith the next. Soon thereafter, Drew received his new job assignment that required moving fifteen hundred miles away.

I Am Loved

Dana felt sweet anticipation as the day began. It was her 10th wedding anniversary. Drew, her husband, was home from completing some out-of-town professional training for his new job. The last few months they’d only spent a few weekends together so she was excited about celebrating today.


I found it troubling as I read through the book of Exodus how many times Pharaoh changed his mind about letting the Israelites go. I kept wondering why chapter after chapter.

Big Roy

I cannot wait to see Big Roy every morning when I wake up. He brings me so much pleasure and joy. He thrills me.

Lest I confuse you, no, my husband’s name is not Roy. Big Roy lives in my small garden outside my bedroom window. Big Roy is a tomato plant. His stature, seven inches tall when I planted him now reaches five feet a few short months later.

In My Way

I looked down at my text and laughed, “About to be in my way.” What I meant to say was, “About to be ON my way.” I had intended to let a friend know of my plan, but had inadvertently led myself to ponder my mistake.

In my way – how many times have I done just that – gotten in my own way of doing things God’s way?

Hello! My Name Is: Day 5

Jehovah Mekoddishkem (mek-KAH-dish-KIM) is a long, tongue-twisty name for an incredibly important truth.

It is God who set us apart for His purposes and accomplishes sanctification in our life. Our job is to follow Him in trust and obedience.

Hello! My Name Is: Day 4

So far, it has been a week of a big God. Today, we will look at a small moment and the God who was in it.

First, a brief recap: Ten years had passed since God had promised Abram, a wealthy shepherd and future father of Israel, that he would have an heir. Nothing had happened and the biological clocks were ticking. Sarai, Abram’s wife, came up with a logical conclusion to the problem; Have Abram father the next generation through Hagar, her young Egyptian maid. Abram agreed. Hagar likely didn’t get a vote. However, after Hagar became pregnant by Abram, it began to dawn on her how her fortunes had improved. In an unwise move, she acted contemptuously toward her barren mistress. Sarai complained to Abram who said. “Do whatever you want.” The resulting mistreatment by Sarai caused Hagar to flee to the desert.

Hello! My Name Is: Day 3

Throughout history, people believed that a Supreme Being brought the physical universe into existence and continued to act upon it. In the mid-1800’s, with the introduction of evolutionary theory, a new worldview emerged. It centered around a universe that not only thought itself up, but continued to keep itself running. Today the creation vs. evolution debate is still alive and well.

Hello! My Name Is: Day 2

What is that old saying? “You never have a second chance to make a first impression.”

Like English, Hebrew has small letter gods and capital letter gods. The Elohim of Genesis 1:1, is as big as they get. He is the “all-powerful creator of the universe who knows all, creates all and is everywhere at all times.” Creators are, by definition, bigger than and outside of what they have made. Because of this, they decide what they will create and the rules by which it will operate. (True, though not always popular.)