The Lime Blessing
...I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops…
Ezekiel 34: 26b-27a
Ever since we moved to South Texas, my concern about the lime trees in our back yard increased. I knew nothing about taking care of fruit trees, so I searched for help online.
Although the internet did provide some of the answers I needed, my uncertainty about when to pick the limes still bothered me. Finally, after days of rain, when the trees were laden with fruit, I knew they had to be pulled. Their fragrance upon doing so led me to believe I had made the right decision.
Did you know that lime trees produce a multitude of limes? Every time I picked one, I saw three more waiting. My next dilemma – what to do with all those limes?
I had met a few of my neighbors, so I decided to see if they might like some. My young grandson helped me the first evening. He loved it. His exuberance was quite contagious. In spite of COVID-19 precautions, neighbors seemed to enjoy our brief front door visits and the limes.
The next day, I ventured out again. This time I added people I had not yet met to my visits. Some really needed a chat with a person other than a family member. The limes seemed to do the trick. Everyone was so gracious and hospitable. Only one “social distancing” neighbor did not open her door, but we still had a sweet visit through the window.
What had at first caused me much concern, now became a great blessing. God truly did send down showers of blessings as He allowed the trees in our yard to bear fruit.
Afterward, I thought about what a gift from God those limes turned out to be. Through them, He yielded not only fruit, but also some new friends as well.
Thank you, God, for showers of blessing. Thank you, God, – for limes.
Susan P.