All in God's Character

God’s Perfect Provision

While reading the Christmas story, I was struck by God’s abundant provision for his people. 

The story opens with Zechariah and Elizabeth who were older and had no children. But God had a plan. He opened Elizabeth’s womb, and she conceived a son. She was overjoyed! “The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days he has shown his favor and taken away my disgrace among the people (Luke 1:25).”

The Letters

Mamertine Prison in Rome, Italy, is where Peter and Paul were imprisoned at various times. It is a quiet and solemn place. Our tour group viewed the prisoners’ spaces below the floor. The relic of a piece of heavy iron chain brought visual images of the reality of their captivity.

The Fine Arts

The year I committed to methodically read through the Bible brought many joyful and new surprises. Don’t be impressed, though— believe me— I am too old to admit that I had never read the Bible all the way through in one year!

Before the King

I’ve been surprised by familiar biblical passages that come from the obscure minor prophet Habakkuk. One of these passages inspired a benediction we often sang at my childhood church. I hear the melody as I read the words. “The Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him” (Hab. 2:20). Imagine my surprise to find these words following five woes spoken by the LORD in His response to Habakkuk! 

Why, Oh Lord?

I have a mental list of biblical characters I want to meet in heaven, and Habakkuk isn’t on it—at least not until recently! His name sounded harsh and I assumed it probably matched a typical prophet’s personality and message. Recently, though, I discovered some things about Habakkuk that drew me in, besides the fact he included a song in his prophecy. His Old Testament writing was unique in that he spoke to God on behalf of the people rather than speaking to the people on behalf of God. His format included three prayers and God’s three answers. Like Job, Habakkuk struggled with understanding God’s ways. He had lots of questions and was willing to present those “why” questions to God.


After a season of visiting with a counselor about a totally different matter, I began reflecting on some unhealthy habits I had. One such habit really stuck out -- letting certain significant people in my life manipulate me. I did not permit everyone to do it, just a few key people in my inner circle. 

Big, Big Questions

The shower was running, the music blaring, when I walked down the hall to the bedroom: “How deep is the ocean? (How high is the sky?)”* Exactly, I said to myself in light of the lunar eclipse of the evening before. How could a Blood Moon turn red in the shadow of the earth? tells us this much: “Sunlight scatters to produce the red colors of sunset and sunrise when it enters Earth's atmosphere at a particular angle.” Does it not make you pause for a moment to wonder at the majesty of creation?

Unexpected Blessing

Before leaving East Texas, I had a dentist appointment. When I shared the details of our move with my dentist I found out she had taught at the dental school in Houston. Without hesitation she recommended a dentist she knew and had as a student. I quickly put the contact information in my phone so as not to lose it.

The Least and the Greatest

It’s as big as a school bus, weighs up to ninety thousand pounds, and eats about one thousand pounds every day. And, yet, the humpback whale is able to thrust itself out of the water in incredible displays of power.  They frolic and breach in the warm waters by Hawaii where they travel to every winter to breed.

A God Who Searches

Jesus told a short story to a group of grumbling religious leaders to illustrate a poignant point—God will intensely search for those who need His love and salvation. He used a desperate woman, of all things, for his story. She’d lost a coin worth a day’s wage. She had only ten and one was lost. She lit a small oil lamp, the only source of light in her small windowless home, and searched carefully until she found it. She then invited her women friends and neighbors to rejoice with her. Jesus adds in verse 10, “I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God over one sinner who repents.”

The Golden Thread

I’ve enjoyed reading through the Old Testament minor prophets. I wanted to focus on the circumstances in Israel’s history as well as the God’s message entrusted to them to proclaim. The twelve minor prophets were sometimes referred to as The Book of the Twelve since scrolls often combined them within one scroll: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Johan, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah and Malachi. Importantly, though, they were called ‘minor’ prophets only because of the length of the books, not because of a lesser important message.  

The Unforgivable Sin

The Pharisees had been shadowing Jesus from the beginning of His ministry. They had heard His teaching and were eyewitnesses to His miracles. And when He quoted the Law, likely their lips moved in silent unison. Their verdict? “He has a demon.” In doing so, they denied both His Divinity and the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in His life, concluding that He was just a man. And a damaged one, at that.sin