Be Available and Purposeful

Be Available and Purposeful

Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

Colossians 4:5

The woman near me in the waiting room began to talk. She told me her age, how she met her husband, about their first date, how long they had been married, that her brown hair was not dyed, and much more. Frankly, I was amazed at the amount of personal information she shared. 

The woman obviously felt very comfortable talking to me. Why? Was it my smile that initially made her open up? Was it my apparent interest in her story that caused her to continue talking? As I thought about this, it hit me—I was available. I had no magazine or cell phone in my hand. I was just sitting there. She noticed and began to talk.

How often am I available when someone near me needs to talk? My example is Jesus Christ. Fast-forward through what you know about Jesus, and you will discover He was available. He was available to the woman at the well. (John 4) He was available to the rich young ruler. (Luke 18) He was available to Nicodemus and the man born blind. (John 3, 9) The list goes on and on. Jesus Christ was available to listen to, talk with, and reach out to those He encountered. 

In His encounters with people, Jesus was also purposeful. He didn’t just listen to people, smile, and say, “It was nice visiting with you,” as I did to the woman in the waiting room. He saw their need and addressed it. Though He did meet physical needs, His goal with every encounter was to address the spiritual needs of people and lead them toward truth. 

His goal is the same today.  You and I don’t know the needs of those around us, but God does. As you and I allow the Holy Spirit to fill us and flow through us, He continues His work of ministering to spiritual needs and spreading His truth. 

Lord, help us daily seek to be available and purposeful.

Jan Burkhart

Be Wise

Be Wise

Take My Hand, Dear One

Take My Hand, Dear One