All in Faith/Trust

What I Fear

What are your greatest fears? It’s not often I’ve feared for my life but several memories remind me I’ve had a few.

Traveling home from Belize with one of my 10 year old twins as we flew through a terrible storm was terrifying. I was not sure we would make it safely back to Houston.


Do you consider yourself an expert at something? Perhaps “expert” doesn’t fit well. How about skilled, professional, or you know without a shadow of doubt that you have authority in a particular area? Reflect on the trials you have experienced to become better; concentrate on the amount of time—months, years, decades—it took you to fully grasp and understand.

Barrel of Monkeys

Can anyone else relate to having a barrel of monkeys for a family?  When I was a child, my grandma’s house would be considered our “barrel.” That was where everyone showed up after work, for family meals and holidays.

Believing is Seeing

Eight days later—so much to take in.

Jesus didn’t play hide-and-seek with His friends for long. The empty tomb alone was not the crux of the story. The truth of who He was and what He had accomplished lay in His appearing, alive. So He began to reveal Himself first to those closest to Him.


So Much More!

I love asking the Lord to direct me to books of the Bible He would like me to study. However, I was less than thrilled when He directed me to…Lamentations. Seriously? Who studies Lamentations?  Well, YOU do if that is what the Lord says do.


Have you ever had a conversation that helped you reframe a current circumstance? Recently my husband’s comments about a difficult situation provided me much-needed perspective.

So Little to Give

Have you ever taken on a project that felt impossible? You don’t know where to start. It feels overwhelming. There are too many steps in the process. Certain things have to happen that are out of your control in order to accomplish it


My grandson’s stuffed toys bring him much pleasure. He talks to them. He sleeps with them. Rarely does he ever get in the car without one or two in tow.


Angelic Protection

 The thought of God charging angels to “keep watch over you” comforts me, especially since I mostly think of angels watching over children. When my young son fell out of a tree, his sister ran into the kitchen screaming for help. As I headed out the door, he passed me on his way in.

Voice in My Head

When our pastor started preaching from the book of Romans, we received stickers of a visual way to share Christ with others. I stuck mine in my Bible and promptly forgot about it. The day it fell out changed my life and eventually the life of someone else as well.

Quizzical Times

A well-crafted phrase intrigues me. It also helps me think new thoughts. Here’s one from a new-to-me resource, The Love of God, a small book from the Oswald Chambers Library:

“Watch the circumstances of life. We get them fairly well mixed, and if we are getting fairly well more than enough of one kind, let us thank God for it. It is producing the particular grace God wants us to manifest.” *