A Teachable Spirit

The young man sitting across the table confided, “When I was twenty-five, I thought I knew everything and was bullet proof. Nothing could hurt me, and no one could teach me anything. In the past few years I’ve discovered neither of those was true.”


I have always loved the word, “Sanctuary”. It takes me back to the church of my childhood where I sang about Jesus even before I knew Him as my Savior. The building that was the sanctuary was old with red carpet and pew cushions and arched windows with fake stained glass. The wood was honey-golden and the pulpit was smooth from use. I was baptized there above the choir loft, and I learned so much about God in my years there.

God’s Will

My husband and I were diligently seeking God’s direction in our business. After thirty-five years, we were weary and behind the technological times. We sensed that closing our business was ahead of us, but the timing was questionable. One day, this verse shouted to us: Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is with you…Do not be afraid or discouraged (I Chronicles 20:17).

Dry Bones Come to Life

Are you familiar with Ezekiel’s experience with the dry bones? The Lord showed Ezekiel a valley full of a ‘great many’ dry bones and told him to prophesy to them: “I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord” (Ezekiel 37:5-6). And that is just what God did!


We don’t use the word watchman much in present-day-terms, nor do we really appreciate the concept of someone whose entire job is to look out, ahead, in front of….to just observe. In reality, a watchman’s role is broader than this simple definition. There is purpose in the watching.

Clothed with Christ

I have older teenagers at my house, so the laundry is never done! They take things off and put things on multiple times a day for any event or change of emotion. They take the school clothes off and replace them with hanging-around-the-house clothes until friends drop by…and this necessitates yet another change. And of course, when they take something off, it must be dirty! All these changes and choices are very intentional.


Apostle Peter wrote letters to the early Christian disciples in the Northern part of Asia Minor around 64 AD. His intention was to encourage them to continue their work to establish the first churches even while they were suffering trials. He assured them they were the chosen ones.


Peter, the disciple who denied Christ three times, after His crucifixion later wrote rich authoritative instructions. His example and call to leadership greatly contributed to the establishment of the early Church. These words were written predominantly to Jewish disciples scattered throughout Roman territory during the first century after Jesus Christ’s resurrection and ascension into Heaven.


Origami, the art of folding, dates back some thousand years to an ancient Oriental process of folding a two-dimensional piece of paper creating a three-dimensional sculpture. Oftentimes, the sculptures are representational of nature or objects—birds, flowers, or shapes.

Fitting Praise

Open your Bible to the middle and there you find the hymnbook of God—those inspired songs full of praises and prayers. God inspired the psalms for many reasons, but one important reason is to enhance the worship of His people. A whole book of the Bible was given by God to teach us to praise Him!

He Got Us Out

A friend and her four-year-old daughter passed by a cemetery where a grave had been freshly dug with a mound of dirt to the side. The daughter said, “Oh look, Mom, someone got out!” At first I laughed, but later I realized the spiritual truth of this story. The obedience of Jesus Christ “got us out.”

When the LORD Passes By

Yes, Elijah’s greatest fear may have been of being the only one of God’s prophets left, alone and without help. However, God had a much more penetrating question of His prophet. Not once but twice He asked: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (19:9,13). Incredible, isn’t it, that the LORD‘s charge to Elijah should occur on that very same mountain where He had spoken to Moses in the burning bush and given him the Law (Exodus 3:1-3;19:9,16)?

When You Feel All Alone

The fire of the LORD fell (18:38). The people proclaimed Yahweh, the self-existent and eternal God, Supreme* (18:39). And as surely as the LORD promised Elijah, the rains poured down (18:45) after three long years. It was evident that Baal had not begun and ended the drought. Surely God’s people would return to their senses.

When the Fire of the LORD Falls

The key to your story is the size of your God ladies. Oh, not that you can diminish God in any way. But how big is He in your eyes? Elijah had an inkling. You would too if God had hidden you by a brook and ordered ravens to feed you (17:4). And what if you then were witness to the daily multiplication of a widow’s meager supply of flour and oil to sustain all three of you (17:16), plus the miraculous return to life of her son (17:22)?