Merciful Restoration

Merciful Restoration

For judgment is without mercy to the one who has not shown mercy. 

Mercy triumphs over judgment.

James 2:13 (CSB)

The delivery process can be tricky in the world of art gallery installations. Because of limited financial resources, sometimes the artist is also the transporter and the installer.

This was the case when I was delivering and installing a solo exhibition. One of the objects to be hung from the ceiling broke when I delivered it to the gallery. 

Since I was especially drawn to the shape of the natural piece of wood, I wanted to find a way to repair it. After a brief moment of despair, I was rescued by my memory of a professor’s wise words—Mistakes can be good mishaps. Incorporate the problem; for there are no mistakes in the gallery!

Good advice for life…

If you stumble, perhaps you could make the experience part of your journey!

Christians make mistakes, but those who are teachable learn from scripture that we serve a Merciful God. So we must learn to be thankful for God’s mercy in those times and also believe we must apply the same wisdom when we judge others for their mistakes.

When we are teachable, the lessons learned from the bumps in the road build strength and a stronger commitment to learn about the importance of living in a nonjudgmental way. Scripture teaches us that mercy triumphs over a judgmental spirit because of God’s character. 

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love.

Psalm 103:8 (CSB)

I am expected to learn new truths from my mistakes—to learn how to become a person who exudes mercy more than judgment.

Reflection in Prayer: 

Father, thank you for your forgiveness, mercy, and love. When I make mistakes, I pray I am teachable so that I may show empathy to those who are suffering from their mistakes. Help me become vulnerable and available—while serving others under your loving leadership. 

Jill Hendrix

On Mission

On Mission

