All in Jesus

Messages from God

With these words a 400-year silence of God was broken. Zechariah received God’s message from the angel, Gabriel, who announced the birth of a son filled with the Holy Spirit. He would be used of God to prepare the way for the Lord. Another message came from Gabriel shortly thereafter. He proclaimed to the virgin Mary that she would give birth to the Son of God.

Divine Mystery . . . the treasures of wisdom and knowledge

Ladies, one more clue to follow this week as we unravel divine mystery. We are on our way to experiencing the full riches of complete understanding that Paul wishes for us. Knowing Christ is the essential element—Christ the divine, the reality; Christ in you, the hope of glory. It’s in Christ that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden. Let’s do a little digging.

Divine Mystery . . . Christ

Before the apostle Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he was a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the Law a Pharisee; as for zeal, persecuting the church (Philippians 3:5-6). Meeting Jesus head-on provided the clues to complete understanding. If Paul could be converted, if he could know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, there was hope for any Jew. It would take revelation, mixed with brain power, based on facts, to unravel this perplexing question.

Light into Darkness

It was an ordinary night. The shepherds were attending their sheep and watching for intruders by the light of the moon. They had grown accustomed to the darkness, accustomed to watching for shadows that might present danger. 

Never Alone

A few years ago, we had a most unusual Christmas day lunch. It was the “in-law Christmas,” and so, our girls and their families were coming the day after Christmas. I had been busy preparing food for the week and just didn’t have the energy to prepare another meal for Christmas day. Therefore, we went to eat at one of the few restaurants open.

Set Free!

My friend told me the story about her early Christmas present. Her mother bought a new car for her and her husband. At first I was struck by the generosity of this mother, but the rest of the story intrigued me more. 

What a Savior!

Christmas is about _________. Would you say Christmas is about presents, lights, families gathering…? Many words could fill that blank, but only one word fits that blank best—Jesus! Christmas is about Jesus!

TGF Friday

Crowded as we were in the car on the way to the airport last spring break, the conversation turned to the upcoming Good Friday service. Grandson number three asked, “What’s Good Friday?” As we explained that it was the day Jesus died on the cross, his puzzled response was, “So, what’s good about that?” At this, the other three of us in the back seat exclaimed in unison: “It was good for us!”