All in Faith/Trust


I have heard of women asking the Lord for a word from Him at the start of a new year. This word might be a direction, a quality, a verb, or just about any word. It seems to me to be kind of like a theme He wants to speak over us at that time, or for that year. I honestly had not done that before, so this year, that is exactly what I did. I asked Him for a word.


Quiet is nice sometimes. You know how it feels when that car alarm won’t stop? And then it does - ahhh. Or how about when the restaurant is so loud you can’t enjoy conversation with a friend or family? And then you leave - whew. It’s like you can finally relax again.

Faithful God

Have you ever had a season in your life in which a character quality of the Lord continues to come to mind? God keeps reminding me of His faithfulness these days. Maybe it’s because I am in a season of transitions. My oldest child is transitioning into adulthood, making decisions about life and future as she navigates college. My 16-year-old is now driving, transitioning into a more independent teen. My home church is even in transition to a new pastor. But God is faithful. In all things. He is faithful.

Trust. Serve. Wait.

Things seemed to get worse for Kate.

She’d lost the love of her life, her job and her sense of well-being in the last six months. As if things couldn’t get worse, her two boys seemed to be in turmoil. One experienced chronic pain; the other a gender identity crisis. This was not what she wanted for either son.

The Lessons of Job: Don’t Be a “Foolish Woman” or a “Miserable Comforter”

Exit stage left Satan, off to do mischief somewhere else.

Job had indeed passed Satan’s tests without sinning (1:22; 2:10), but the suffering he continued to experience was surreal. His children had been crushed in a whirlwind (1:19), his livestock raided or burned by fire from the sky (1:15-17), his servants put to the sword (1:15,17), his skin afflicted with sores from head to toe (2:7).

The Lessons of Job: When Things Just aren’t Fair!

Ah, Job I thought as I contemplated the Womenary calendar last fall—not exactly the most uplifting book. Now wasn’t that just typical of 2020! But what better time than the present to consider the reality of suffering with all the ups and downs of that year and the February deep freeze of this. Let’s jump on into the deep end ladies, as suffering is indeed a deep subject.

The Lord Keep You

While driving home from a stressful trip on a quaint country road, I set the cruise control in my car to 71mph. As I travelled along enjoying the scenery and peacefulness, I got distracted and looked down to fiddle with the car menu. I glanced back up at the very last second to avoid hitting a car stopped dead still in front of me. I felt like God tapped me on the shoulder just in time. Thankfully, no accident occurred.

You Shall Know the Truth

I have a friend whom I greatly admire professionally. She is one of the best in her field. She has stated emphatically to me that she is not a believer in Jesus Christ, but she has also stated that she is searching for truth. More than once she has remarked that her mind is filled with questions and that she is frustrated, even angry about her lack of answers. She has determined to continue seeking answers to the big questions in life—answers that she says may never come.

The Unexpected Way

How do you respond when God does the unexpected? I am a planner. Before I begin something, I like to determine a plan of action and approximately how long my task will take. In a recent assignment, I thought I knew the plan of action, and I had an idea of the amount of time that would be involved. But then God did the unexpected.

When God Runs

Have you ever had to run to keep up with God? Recently, I was part of a group that was given an assignment of great magnitude. Each of us felt the weight of this responsibility, and we fervently sought God, asking Him to make His will known. Following God one step at a time became our group’s heartfelt desire. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).

Between A Rock And The Best Place

Many “several years ago” when I had a hard body and long hair, I did some mountain climbing and rock climbing. During those times, I heard many climbers making pleas and promises to God such as: “Help me, Jesus! Lord, if you just get me off this mountain, I promise I will never do this again.” Sometimes during climbing the fear level on a Richter scale of 1 to 10 can be a 25.

So Little to Give

Have you ever taken on a project that felt impossible? You don’t know where to start. It feels overwhelming. There are too many steps in the process. Certain things have to happen that are out of your control in order to accomplish it


I play a little game with my son where I ask him how much I love him. He replies in numbers. The joke is that he usually says, “zero” or “one.” Then I correct him with the craziest number I can make up, which is undoubtedly unscientific, followed by tickles and laughter. There is no number that can express quantitatively how much I love my children. Though we play silly games, my son knows that I love him. He believes it. He trusts me, he trusts in my unfailing love.


Have you ever had a conversation that helped you reframe a current circumstance? Recently my husband’s comments about a difficult situation provided me much-needed perspective.

Trusting God Can Cleanse You

Zechariah had a vision from the Lord. It was set up similar to a court setting and standing on trial was Joshua, the high priest. Zechariah saw the angel of the Lord and Satan standing next to Joshua ready to accuse him for his wrong doings.