A God Who Is Jealous

A God Who Is Jealous

You must worship no other gods, for the LORD, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you. 

Exodus 34:14 NLT 


As cute as he is, his jealousy is not a pretty sight.  

When Biscuit, my seven-year-old Yorkie terrier, hears me talking on the phone or sees my husband and me hugging, he tries to nudge his way onto center stage and claws my legs. He does not tolerate us paying attention to anyone but him! His insecurities take over. 

When does our jealousy rear its ugly head? When we forget that God is more than enough to satisfy. When we selfishly demand something or someone that does not belong to us. Peace leaves, and bitterness grows. But most importantly, God is jealous of our unloyal hearts. 

God is God. He will not bear our devotion to lesser gods. We substitute spouses, friends, coworkers, children, possessions, and pets in His place—even as we continue to confess our love for God! 

However, God, in His jealousy, is not insecure or sinful. His jealousy is fully righteous. He has a holy zeal for His beloved people. He will not tolerate a rival—just as a betrayed spouse will not. 

God, in His holy jealousy, deserves our full attention and devotion. The word “jealous” in Hebrew means “not bearing any rival.” It stems from His deep love and care for us. 

1 Corinthians 8:4 says, “there is no God but one.”  

Where is our zeal? Is it for God alone? 

It may be time to ask God to examine our hearts. [God] point out anything that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life (Psalm 139:24 ESV). Peace and joy return with our zealous passion for God. The funny thing is that when we are wild about God, our love flows to others in healthy measure! 

Lord, I humbly admit my lack of unmatched devotion to You. Please forgive me as I return to You, and Your rightful place in my heart is restored. 


Karen Sims


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