Give God the Credit

Give God the Credit

“Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”

2 Corinthians 10:17 ESV


How could I, a broken vessel, acknowledge God's role in my life when He has worked His wonders in and through me?

There have been times when I felt small and undeserving of God’s love and help. I questioned why He would do something for me. Yet, His grace and power have miraculously transformed me!

It’s not that I did not want to give God all the credit for the miracles He has performed in my life. I did want to.

But I kept silent, or I sheepishly took credit for my accomplishments. I denied God over and over.

While reading my Bible, I was profoundly aware of Jesus’ relationship with God, His Father. This insight was pivotal in my understanding of giving credit to God.

“Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. . .” (John 5:19 ESV).

And once again, Jesus speaks, “I can do nothing on my own. . .” (John 5:30 ESV).

Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, who was given all authority while on earth, did nothing apart from His Father. He submitted to His Father’s plan despite what it cost Him. He did it all for you and me. He gave God all the credit as He spoke with others. His life is a model for us to follow, to thank God, praise Him, and make much of Him as we share our experiences.

It was a painful realization. The truth pierced through my self-deceptive pride. I had made it all about me and my shame. Shame that Jesus bore on the cross and died for.

God loves His Son and is pleased with Him (Matthew 3:17 ESV), and He loves me—one of His children. He declares me and you, beloved one, worthy. Will we believe Him?

Lord, I pray that I may boast in You and You alone. You, and only You, deserve all the recognition.


Karen Sims

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