He Wants to Be with Us

He Wants to Be with Us

And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach 

Mark 3:14 ESV 


He lives to be with us. He needs us. He loves us. His purpose is to be near us. 

Biscuit, our dog, looks for a lap when we sit down. He is on the floor beside our feet when a lap is unavailable. He anticipates a ride in the car when he hears keys jingling. He follows us outdoors. He barks and spins in circles of excitement when invited to go for a walk. While in bed, he snuggles as close between us as he can. He cuddles with me in the sunroom every morning for quiet time with God. 

During his Galilean ministry, Jesus chose and appointed His disciples from the crowds who followed Him. And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him (Mark 3:13 ESV).  

Did you catch it? He appointed twelve SO THAT they might be with Him. . . Jesus desired these followers to be near to Him. Why do you suppose? 

Jesus chose the twelve to teach and prepare them to go out and share the good news—but primarily because He loved them and wanted to spend time together. They formed a community connection, each one valued and included.  

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another (John 13:14 ESV). The disciples, like children in families immersed in their parents’ love, are taught how to love each other. This training is an investment that takes a lot of time and effort. 

Like Biscuit, who loves to be with those he loves, Jesus always wants to be with us. His love assures us when we feel alone. His love develops a love in us toward others, and the multiplication begins! 

Lord Jesus, You want me with You!  


Karen Sims

A God Who Is Jealous

A God Who Is Jealous

A New Identity

A New Identity